Microextracción y nuevos materiales. Aplicaciones analíticas
(Curso Académico 2024 - 2025)
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1. Datos descriptivos de la asignatura
  • Código: 835931910
  • Centro: Escuela de Doctorado y Estudios de Postgrado
  • Lugar de impartición: Facultad de Ciencias. Sección de Química
  • Titulación: Máster Universitario en Química
  • Plan de Estudios: 2018 (publicado en 29-04-2014)
  • Rama de conocimiento: Ciencias
  • Itinerario/Intensificación: Especialidad en Química Medioambiental, Agroalimentaria y Materiales
  • Departamento/s:
  • Área/s de conocimiento:
    • Química Analítica
  • Curso: 1
  • Carácter: Optativa
  • Duración: Segundo cuatrimestre
  • Créditos ECTS: 3,0
  • Modalidad de impartición: Presencial
  • Horario: Ver horario
  • Dirección web de la asignatura: Ver web de la asignatura
  • Idioma: Ingles. La asignatura participa en el programa FINULL
2. Requisitos de matrícula y calificación
Recomendación: contar con al menos el nivel B1 de inglés para garantizar el seguimiento efectivo de la docencia
3. Profesorado que imparte la asignatura

Profesor/a Coordinador/a: VERONICA PINO ESTEVEZ

Área de conocimiento:
Química Analítica
Teléfono 1:
Teléfono 2:
Correo electrónico:
Correo alternativo:
Tutorías primer cuatrimestre:
DesdeHastaDíaHora incialHora finalLocalizaciónPlantaDespacho
Todo el cuatrimestre Lunes 12:00 14:00 Sección de Química - AN.3F 15. Quimica Analitica.
Todo el cuatrimestre Martes 12:00 14:00 Sección de Química - AN.3F 15. Quimica Analitica
Todo el cuatrimestre Viernes 15:00 17:00 Sección de Química - AN.3F 15. Quimica Analitica
Observaciones: Se ruega solicitar la tutoría previamente por correo electrónico (veropino@ull.edu.es), con el objetivo de optimizar el tiempo de atención del alumnado. Se podrán concretar tutorías fuera de este horario si la disponibilidad así lo permite.
Tutorías segundo cuatrimestre:
DesdeHastaDíaHora incialHora finalLocalizaciónPlantaDespacho
Todo el cuatrimestre Lunes 12:00 14:00 Sección de Química - AN.3F 15. Quimica Analitica.
Todo el cuatrimestre Martes 12:00 14:00 Sección de Química - AN.3F 15. Quimica Analitica
Todo el cuatrimestre Viernes 15:00 17:00 Sección de Química - AN.3F 15. Quimica Analitica
Observaciones: Se ruega solicitar la tutoría previamente por correo electrónico (veropino@ull.edu.es), con el objetivo de optimizar el tiempo de atención del alumnado. Se podrán concretar tutorías fuera de este horario si la disponibilidad así lo permite.
Área de conocimiento:
Química Analítica
Teléfono 1:
Teléfono 2:
Correo electrónico:
Correo alternativo:
Tutorías primer cuatrimestre:
DesdeHastaDíaHora incialHora finalLocalizaciónPlantaDespacho
Todo el cuatrimestre Martes 12:00 14:00 Sección de Química - AN.3F 2 7. Química Analítica
Todo el cuatrimestre Miércoles 16:00 18:00 Sección de Química - AN.3F 2 7. Química Analítica
Todo el cuatrimestre Jueves 12:00 14:00 Sección de Química - AN.3F 2 7. Química Analítica
Observaciones: Se ruega solicitar la tutoría previamente por correo electrónico (mtrujill@ull.edu.es), con el objetivo de optimizar el tiempo de atención del alumnado. Se podrán concretar tutorías fuera de este horario si la disponibilidad así lo permite.
Tutorías segundo cuatrimestre:
DesdeHastaDíaHora incialHora finalLocalizaciónPlantaDespacho
Todo el cuatrimestre Martes 12:00 14:00 Sección de Química - AN.3F 2 7. Química Analítica
Todo el cuatrimestre Miércoles 16:00 18:00 Sección de Química - AN.3F 2 7. Química Analítica
Todo el cuatrimestre Jueves 12:00 14:00 Sección de Química - AN.3F 2 7. Química Analítica
Observaciones: Se ruega solicitar la tutoría previamente por correo electrónico (mtrujill@ull.edu.es), con el objetivo de optimizar el tiempo de atención del alumnado. Se podrán concretar tutorías fuera de este horario si la disponibilidad así lo permite.
4. Contextualización de la asignatura en el plan de estudio
  • Bloque formativo al que pertenece la asignatura: Química Medioambiental
  • Perfil profesional:
5. Competencias


  • CG01 - Tener habilidad en el empleo de las principales fuentes de información y documentación, incluyendo el manejo de bases de datos e internet


  • CB06 - Poseer y comprender conocimientos que aporten una base u oportunidad de ser originales en el desarrollo y/o aplicación de ideas, a menudo en un contexto de investigación
  • CB07 - Que los estudiantes sepan aplicar los conocimientos adquiridos y su capacidad de resolución de problemas en entornos nuevos o poco conocidos dentro de contextos más amplios (o multidisciplinares) relacionados con su área de estudio


  • CE03 - Diseñar métodos de control microestructural de nuevos materiales y aplicaciones analíticas de estos materiales
6. Contenidos de la asignatura

Contenidos teóricos y prácticos de la asignatura

*Theory Contents:

Unit 1.- Novel materials: nanoparticles, nanostructured and macroscopic materials. (i) Interest of novel materials (metallic nanoparticles, magnetic nanoparticles, coated nanoparticles, nanomaterials based on carbon, metal-organic frameworks, molecularly-imprinted polymers, ionic liquids and their derivatives,supramolecular solvents, deep eutectic solvents...), (ii) ideal characteristics of these materials depending on their incorporation of a specific analytical technique, and (iii) preparation methods of novel materials.

Unit 2.- (i) Applications in microextraction and separation techniques. (ii) Use of solid materials as sorbents in miniaturized techniques of solid-phase extraction, in all its different variants. (iii) Use of liquid materials as extractant solvents in miniaturized techniques of liquid-phase extraction, in all its different variants. (iv) Use of novel materials as stationary phases in chromatography. (v) Novel green analytical metrics on sustainability and their applicability in microextraction methods.

Unit 3.- (i) Advanced detection systems with novel materials. (ii) Improvements in detection systems using novel materials.

*Laboratory Practices:

Practice 1.- Preparation of novel materials to be used in miniaturized extraction techniques. Preparation of magnetic nanoparticles, deep eutectic solvents, ionic liquids and metal-organic frameworks.

Practice 2.- Use of ionic liquids and deep eutectic solvents in different variants of liquid-phase microextraction.

Practice 3.- 3a) Use of metal-organic frameworks in dispersive miniaturized solid-phase extraction. 3b) Use of magnetic nanoparticles in magnetic-assisted dispersive miniaturized solid-phase extraction.

Actividades a desarrollar en otro idioma

The entire subject is going to be taught in English. All teaching materials will be written in English, including the laboratory recipes. The oral presentation given by the students will be also carried out in English.
Requirement: students need to have (minimum) a B1 level in English.
7. Metodología y volumen de trabajo del estudiante


The teaching methodology involves:
  • Master classes for the theory contents, to cover the basic concepts underlying novel materials and their incorporation in miniaturized extraction and analytical separation methods, using all audiovisual media, mainly the slide projector, printed materials... These classes will serve as a conceptual theoretical scheme of the different subject, while analyzing and summarizing information coming from different sources, and ensuring a proper discussion of interesting and/or difficult topics for the students. In all cases it is pursued a high participation of students within the dialogue, the critical discussion, generating controversy, and assuring adequate analysis. All presentations and materials will be given to the students through the Virtual Classroom (Moodle software).
  • Laboratory practices. This is a key part of the entire teaching approach. In the laboratory practices the students (properly guided by the professors) will develop practical works devoted with analytical sample preparation approaches requiring microextraction techniques with novel materials. In all cases, the compatibility of those methods with conventional Analytical Chemistry techniques and instrumentation will be covered, the analysis of the obtained results will be in situ discussed... As a requirement to enter the laboratory, students must understand the laboratory recipe, while performing a review of the theoretical contents involved in each laboratory practice, and the preparation of a scheme of the entire working plan for the lab. At the beginning of each laboratory practice, the professor will summarize the key aspects: objectives, fundamentals and experimental procedure by teaching a short seminar. At the end of each laboratory practice, the student will analyze the obtained results and the observed phenomena and will respond to questions made by the professor at the beginning, during, or at the end of the practice session. All these aspects will be included in a report, that will be submitted for correction at the date set.
  • Mentoring classes. These individual or collective type of classes will cover specific parts of the subject. I.e. the use of updated research articles related with novel materials and microextraction method, to ensure the proper acquisition of skills related to the subject by the student, particularly ensuring that the students are able to properly classify advanced in microextraction techniques for analytical sample preparation, while identifying the type of novel material used and the reasons for its selection of the particular application, or, in case of inadequacy utilization in the given application, to discuss ways of improvements. In particular, this will be addresses through oral defenses and discussion of certain articles on the topic. Furthermore, it is recommended the assistance to office hours as a good alternative to improve the success following the subject. Apart from office hours, the Virtual Classroom will include several tools to solve particular o generic questions. Students are encouraged to use all elements and tools provided by the Professor.

This subject will allow the use of artificial intelligence (tools such as chatGPT, Garmmarly, Teach Anything, Socractic, Perplexity) for the following activities:
  • Searching concepts, explanations, and/or examples, related with microextraction and nanomaterials belonging to the different units.
  • Help to translate English texts or to polish the English language of their presentation.

The use of artificial intelligence is not permitted in the following situations:
  • To prepare the reports of the laboratory practices.
  • To prepare the presentation and its critical discussion.
  • To generate complete responses of a given task.
  • To respond during any of the evaluations.

Actividades formativas en créditos ECTS, su metodología de enseñanza-aprendizaje y su relación con las competencias que debe adquirir el estudiante

Actividades formativas Horas presenciales Horas de trabajo autónomo Total horas Relación con competencias
Clases teóricas 14,00 0,00 14,0 [CB06], [CE03], [CB07], [CG01]
Clases prácticas (aula / sala de demostraciones / prácticas laboratorio) 12,00 0,00 12,0 [CB06], [CE03], [CB07], [CG01]
Realización de exámenes 2,00 0,00 2,0 [CB06], [CE03], [CB07], [CG01]
Asistencia a tutorías 2,00 0,00 2,0 [CB06], [CE03], [CB07], [CG01]
Estudio autónomo 0,00 20,00 20,0 [CB06], [CE03], [CB07], [CG01]
Preparación de seminarios, elaboración de memorias y/o informes de las prácticas realizadas, resolución de ejercicios que le haya entregado el profesor, preparación de debates, preparación de exposición oral, lecturas recomendadas, búsquedas bibliográfica 0,00 15,00 15,0 [CB06], [CE03], [CB07], [CG01]
Lecturas recomendadas, búsquedas bibliográficas u otras actividades en biblioteca o similares 0,00 10,00 10,0 [CB06], [CE03], [CB07], [CG01]
Total horas
Total ECTS
8. Bibliografía / Recursos

Bibliografía básica

- Nanochemistry : a chemical approach to nanomaterials / Geoffrey A. Ozin, André C. Arsenault and Ludovico Cademartiri. Cambridge : Royal Society of Chemistry, 2009
- Trace analysis with nanomaterials / David T. Pierce and Julia Xiaojun Zhao. Editor: Weinheim Germany : Wiley-VCH, 2010

Bibliografía complementaria

Environmental applications of nanomaterials synthesis, sorbents and sensors / editors, Glen E. Fryxell, Guozhong Cao. (2007)
Editorial: London : Imperial College Press, cop. 2007. ISBN:  978-1-86094-663-9
Autores:  Fryxell, Glen E. ; Cao, Guozhong.

Green analytical chemistry : theory and practice / edited by M. de la Guardia, S. Armenta. (2010)
Amsterdam : Elsevier, 2010. ISBN:  978-0-444-53709-6
Autores:  Guardia, Miguel de la. ; Armenta, Sergio.

Solvent microextraction: theory and practice / edited by John M. Kokosa, Andrzej Przyjazny, Michael Jeannot (2009) Editorial: Wiley, 2009. ISBN: 978-0-470-27859-8. Autor: Kokosa, John M.  http://absysnetweb.bbtk.ull.es/cgi-bin/abnetopac?TITN=441343

Handbook of sample preparation / Janusz Pawliszyn, Heather L. Lord (2010) Editorial: Wiley, 2010. ISBN: 9780470099346 https://absysnet.bbtk.ull.es/cgi-bin/abnetopac?TITN=468949

Otros recursos

Teaching materials available in the Virtual Classroom (Moodle).

Scientific database of journals (Elsevier, ISI, Scopus, Scifinder...)

9. Sistema de evaluación y calificación


Students will be evaluated following these rules:

Continuous Evaluation:
Evaluation 1) Evaluation of other tasks, including the oral presentation. (15%)
Evaluation 2) Evaluation of laboratory practices, including laboratory skills, organization, attitude, method and order. (15%)
Evaluation 3) Assistance and participation in all activities of the class. (5%)
Evaluation 4) Evaluation of the report/memory of the laboratory practices, giving value in that report/memory to the organization of ideas, quality of writing, presentation and discussion of results, together with the maturity in the conclusions. (15%)
Evaluation 5) Evaluation of the tests posted in the Virtual Classroom (Moodle). (15%)
Evaluation 6) An exam that accounts 35% in the final grade.
Those activities not performed by students will be graded with a 0,0.
Those students willing to be evaluated through the Unique Evaluation must inform the Professors before reaching 40% of the activities of the Continuous Evaluation.

The Unique Evaluation:
1) a laboratory exam (40%)
2) the presentation of all laboratory reports of the practices (6%)
3) a questionnaire requiring short responses to the questions (24%), and
4) an exam requiring longer responses to the questions (30%).
***In all cases, the attendance to the laboratory practices is mandatory during the dates established in the timetable.

• To systematically solve all problems given, to secure the knowledge acquired during the teaching lessons.
• To use the recommended scientific literature to secure the knowledge, and to improve the skills on a certain topic.
• To utilize the “office” hours to solve questions and concerns arisen during the subject.

Estrategia Evaluativa

Tipo de prueba Competencias Criterios Ponderación
Pruebas de respuesta corta [CB06], [CB07], [CG01] SE4.- Test in the Virtual Classroom (Moodle).
It will be valued:
-To accomplish and/or to participate in the activities
-To finish task/s in agreement with the deadlines set
15,00 %
Informes memorias de prácticas [CB06], [CE03], [CB07], [CG01] SE7 - Evaluation of off-line activities related wiht the laboratory practices: reports of results and/or memories linked to the practices developed in the laboratory
It will be valued:
-Ideas organization
-Writing and presentation quality
-Discussion of results
-Maturity in the conclusions
-Compliances with the deadlines set
15,00 %
Técnicas de observación [CB06], [CE03], [CB07] SE1.- Control of assistance and engaged participation in all activities of the subject (5%).
SE5 - Student's evaluation (daily) in the laboratory (15%).
It will be valued:
-laboratory skills
20,00 %
Exposición oral [CB06], [CE03], [CB07], [CG01] SE3 – Evaluation of the oral presentations given by the students
It will be valued:
-Quality of the presentation
-Ability to summarize the main ideas within the time set
-Skills shown during the presentation and defense
-Proper link to theoretical backgrounds
15,00 %
Examen final [CB06], [CE03], [CB07], [CG01] SE11 – Exam: Writing examination (objective questions, using short responses or detailed comments to the questions) 35,00 %
10. Resultados de Aprendizaje
At the end, it is expected that students will be able to:

- To describe those (nano)materials most relevant in the Analytical Chemistry field.

- To reasonably classify the different microextraction techniques.

- To properly apply green metrics.

- To explain the main analytical applications of novel (nano)materials.
11. Cronograma / calendario de la asignatura


The distribution of the teaching units and evaluation activities could be modified due to teaching organization needs.

Segundo cuatrimestre

Semana Temas Actividades de enseñanza aprendizaje Horas de trabajo presencial Horas de trabajo autónomo Total
Semana 1: Unit 1 (6 h)
Unit 2 (1,5 h)
Master classes (7,5 h) 7.50 11.25 18.75
Semana 2: Unit 2 (4,5 h)
Unit 3 (2 h)
Master classes (6,5 h)
Mentoring (1 h)
7.50 11.25 18.75
Semana 3: Mentoring (1 h)
Evaluation 1
1.00 1.50 2.50
Semana 4: Laboratory Practices (12 h)
Evaluation 2
Evaluation 3
12.00 18.00 30.00
Semana 5: 0.00 0.00 0.00
Semana 6: 0.00 0.00 0.00
Semana 7:

0.00 0.00 0.00
Semana 10: 0.00 0.00 0.00
Semana 11: 0.00 0.00 0.00
Semana 12: 0.00 0.00 0.00
Semana 13: 0.00 0.00 0.00
Semana 14: 0.00 0.00 0.00
Semana 15 a 17: Evaluation 4
Evaluation 5
Evaluation 6

Alternatively: Unique Evaluation
2.00 3.00 5.00
Total 30.00 45.00 75.00
Fecha de última modificación: 21-06-2024
Fecha de aprobación: 02-07-2024