Grado en Física (2023 - 2024)
Departamento: | Astrofísica |
Área de conocimiento: | Astronomía y Astrofísica |
Teléfono/s: | |
Correos electrónicos: | |
Asignaturas que imparte en la ULL: | |
Web personal: | |
Categoría profesional: | Investigador/a | |
Formación académica fundamental: | Education
Breve currículo profesional genérico: | Research experience In 2011 I was awarded a MultiDark Consolider Ingenio grant at IAA/CSIC to work with F. Prada on N-body DM-only cosmological simulations. The same year I obtained a PhD FPI grant within the Cosmology and big extragalactic surveys project. In 2012 I moved to the IFT/UAM within the Severo Ochoa Excellence Programme. I spent about one year (2012-13) at the Harvard-Smithsonian CFA, Cambridge, working with Prof. D. Eisenstein, a world-leading expert in observational cosmology and PI of the SDSS-III/BOSS survey. In 2015 I spent two months at LBNL working with Prof. D. Schlegel on the DESI target selection. During my PhD I developed a modified SHAM model to link different galaxy tracers to their host dark matter haloes (e.g. Favole et al. 2016, 17). This scheme was used to build the BOSS DR12 mock catalogues (Rodriguez-Torres et al. 2016), and to perform the first combined clustering and weak lensing analysis (Favole et al. 2016). After defending my PhD in 05/2016, I was awarded an ESA research fellowship in Space Science at the European Space Astronomy Center (ESAC) in Spain to prepare the galaxy clustering prospects for Euclid. In 2019 I was awarded a Dennis Sciama fellowship at ICG, Portsmouth University, to work with Prof. A. Amara on populating dark matter haloes with galaxies. As a result, we built and released Skypy, an open-source software to model the Universe. In 2020 I was a postdoctoral dellow at EPFL/LASTRO working with Prof. J.-P. Kneib on the large-scale structure (LSS) analysis for DESI and 4MOST surveys. In 2022 I moved to IAC/ULL as a Juan de la Cierva incorporación fellow to work on the massive mock galaxy catalogue production for the DESI, 4MOST, and J-PAS surveys. | |
Breve currículo investigador: | Research interests My research interests focus on (i) understanding how the large-scale structure of the Universe formed from primordial quantum fluctuations and evolves in time, (ii) how different populations of galaxies inhabit their host dark matter haloes, precisely constraining their halo occupation distribution, stellar-to-halo mass relation, and mass assembly history. In particular, my current goal is to provide a high-fidelity theoretical framework to joint model the clustering and weak lensing data from future surveys. By combining high-redshift galaxy multi-tracers over wide cosmological volumes, we will beat cosmic variance and reduce the uncertainties on the covariances and the cosmological parameters to the level of the systematics. On a larger time scale, I aim at constructing accurate models to interpret the combination of SDSS-V, LSST/Vera Rubin and WFIRST/Roman data. The next decades promise to be extraordinary for astronomers, as computational power increases and we are expecting the first light of several major observatories. I want to use these remarkable opportunities in the future to push our understanding of the cosmic origins to a new level. | |
Líneas de investigación: | Main research lines
Fecha de la última modificación: 05-07-2022
Tutorías primer cuatrimestre:
Desde | Hasta | Día | Hora incial | Hora final | Localización | Planta | Despacho |
Todo el cuatrimestre | Martes | 09:00 | 11:00 | Edificio de Física y Matemáticas - AN.2B | 3 | 16 | |
Todo el cuatrimestre | Jueves | 09:00 | 11:00 | Edificio de Física y Matemáticas - AN.2B | 3 | 16 | |
Todo el cuatrimestre | Lunes | 14:30 | 16:30 | Edificio de Física y Matemáticas - AN.2B | 3 | 16 |
Observaciones: Disponible para tutorías telemáticas en Google Meet concertando previamente una cita por correo electrónico.
Tutorías segundo cuatrimestre:
Desde | Hasta | Día | Hora incial | Hora final | Localización | Planta | Despacho |
Todo el cuatrimestre | Martes | 09:00 | 11:00 | Edificio de Física y Matemáticas - AN.2B | 3 | 16 | |
Todo el cuatrimestre | Jueves | 09:00 | 11:00 | Edificio de Física y Matemáticas - AN.2B | 3 | 16 |
Observaciones: Disponible para tutorías telemáticas en Google Meet concertando previamente una cita por correo electrónico.
Tutorías primer cuatrimestre:
Desde | Hasta | Día | Hora inicial | Hora final | Tipo de tutoría | Medio o canal de comunicación |
Tutorías segundo cuatrimestre:
Desde | Hasta | Día | Hora inicial | Hora final | Tipo de tutoría | Medio o canal de comunicación |