Theory and History of Art and Cultural Management

Arts and Humanities

The University Master in Theory and History of Art and Cultural Management is offered in order to provide professional and research education in Theory and History of Art and Cultural Management to graduates in arts and humanities aimed at cultural management

General information

  • Credits: 60 ECTS
  • Duration: 1 year
  • Methodology: Semi-classroom based
  • Type: Single department
  • Place:
    • Faculty of Humanities. Section of Geography and History
  • Academic direction:
  • Graduates of this master programme that have chosen the research option of Research Methodologies in the Theory and History of Art will be trained in the writings on the history of art, and particularly in the dissemination of arts by means of analysing the texts of different schools of thought, by writing practise, its conversion into editorial products and eventually, its dissemination in the media
  • Those that chose the professional option of Cultural Management will specialise in the work of the area of curating, art critic and cultural management, in the varied demand for experts in documentation, inventory and cataloguing, diagnosis of collections, appraisals, technical reports, etc
    General skills
    • Analyse and synthesise documentation (pictures, works, etc.) and structure the information in a hierarchy as part of a personalised re-organisation process
    • Know the channels (journals, electronic media, etc.) that disseminate art and know how to compile documentation to highlight its critical and analytical aspects in terms of cultural management and research methodologies
    • Know the theory and methodologies of the history of art and the theoretical tools to apply in an interpretive analysis of works, and be able to develop original arguments. Synthesise, summarise, create a dossier for an interview with an author/artist, equivalent to an interpretive study for management or research purposes
    • Be able to analyse the iconography and graphic structure of works of art and place them in their historic context, with an orientation aimed at students working on their own. Have a command of the conception and creation of professional working methods of the history of art: inventory files, catalogue files, documental dossier, appraisal report, valuation
    • Programme cultural projects and develop their contents in a context aimed at cultural management activities
    • Know how to draft a clear research report, have a command of the written language for a wide range of informative, technical and artistic applications relating to the arts
    • Know how to access data bases, web sites, libraries, archives and other information resources, in order to conduct research and know how to set out the results obtained from incomplete or limited information
    • Know how to make an oral presentation in public and conceive a visual support document, slide show, video, etc. with contents from the theory and history of art

    Specific skills
    • Be aware of the major recent changes in art research
    • Ability to draft reports or short essays on a given fact or content of the history of art with technical rigour and critical sense
    • Know the channels of dissemination, journals, electronic media that disseminate art and know how to compile documentation that highlights its critical and analytical aspects in terms of cultural management and research methodologies in the theory and history of art
    • Know the main articulations of the History of Art and be able to establish the relations between the issues raised by arts and the work of research and cultural management
    • Know how to synthesise, summarise and draw up a dossier for an interview with an author or artist, equivalent to an interpretive study for management or research. Know how to construct a reflection on an artist’s work and articulate it in theoretical research
    • Be able to analyse the iconography and the graphic structure of works of art and how to place them in their historic context, with an orientation aimed at students working on their own in management activities and research methodologies
    • Have a command of the conception and creation of professional working methods of the history of art in cultural management aspects: inventory file, catalogue file, documentary dossier, appraisal report, valuing
    • Be able to define your own projects
    • Experience in interpreting creative resources in many different artistic media: painting, sculpture, media, video, new technologies, and have a command of their main parameters with a view to transmitting them by means of personal expression
    • Organise, install, present an exhibition in the dimension of its speculative proposal in cultural management and research project into methodologies of the theory and history of art
    • Ability to programme cultural projects and develop their contents in a context aimed at permanently up-dating the methodological approaches in the different areas of the History of Art
    • Know how to clearly draft a research report, proper command of the written language for a range of informative, technical or artistic cultural applications concerning the arts
    • Know how to access data bases, web sites, libraries, archives and other information resources, to carry our research and know how to set out the results obtained from incomplete or limited information
    • Know how to make an oral presentation in public and conceive a supporting visual document, slide show or video with suitable contents for dissemination for the purposes of cultural management and to communicate the research contents using methodologies of the theory and history of art
    • Have a command of basic electronic resources for drafting and perfecting a report, consisting of the results of a cultural management project or a proposal for research methodologies in the theory and history of art

The entry profile for the University Master in the Theory and History of Art and Cultural Management is aimed, preferably, at graduates in the History of Art, Music Sciences, Philosophy, Philology and Fine Arts. It is also offered to graduates of other similar areas, such as social sciences: graduates in Journalism, Education, Economics or Information Sciences. It is also suitable for similar graduates, such as architects, consequently, the entry profile is as follows:
  • Graduates in History of Art, Humanities, Fine Arts, Architecture, Music, graduates in History and Science of Music and Music Teaching. Dramatic Arts and bachelors’ degree relating to education and communication
  • Graduates from foreign universities with qualifications considered equivalent to those indicated above
  • Future graduates with an education equivalent to any of the degrees mentioned above
  • Students from the EU or other countries of the EAHE, or other places in the world, must provide a qualification equivalent to those indicated that has been, or can be, convalidated, pursuant to the regulations in effect in the ULL to such end
  • The professional specialisation in the History of Art and Cultural Management requires students to be familiar with the current situation in Art and its appraisal, of the discussions around museology, museography and cultural mediation. It also requires a command of the ability to work in a team, aptitudes for written and oral expression and at least a minimum basic knowledge of some European language; at least English. Previous experience on the ground in any of the activities programmed in the practical concepts will also be considered a supplementary guarantee for students interested in this course
  • Avda. Astrofísico Francisco Sánchez, SN. Edificio Calabaza – AN.2D Apdo. 456 38200 San Cristóbal de La Laguna por: C/ Pedro Zerolo, s/n. Edificio Central. Apartado 456. Código postal 38200. San Cristóbal de La Laguna. S/C de Tenerife
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