Geography and Regional Planning

Social and Legal Sciences

General information

  • 240 ECTS
  • 4 years
  • The general objective of the degree in Geography and Regional Planning of the University of La Laguna is to provide students with integral training to further their professional careers and give them access to post-graduate studies. To ensure that students acquire the necessary knowledge and specific skills to interpret the diversity, complexity and relationships between geographic phenomena and processes, and to act and intervene in the territory, the degree develops skills in the fields of knowledge, application, problem-solving, communication and independent learning. Hence, the general skills include the acquisition of knowledge about the discipline to analyse interactions between natural, cultural and social phenomena. This analysis is conducted in an integrated manner to solve spatial problems, diagnose regions and conduct both specialist post-graduate studies and general regional studies.
  • Geographer and Urban Planner
    General skills:
    • The general skills include the acquisition of knowledge about the discipline to analyse interactions between natural, cultural and social phenomena. This analysis is conducted in an integrated manner to solve spatial problems, diagnose regions and conduct both specialist post-graduate studies and general regional studies.

    Specific skills

    Applicant profiles: we welcome individuals holding a baccalaureate qualification, a higher level vocational training qualification, or anyone who is thinking of studying our degree in Geography and Regional Planning who will access the University via alternative routes of entry into higher education. Likewise, we also accept qualifications obtained within the European Higher Education Area (EHEA). The University will need to accredit that the training received is equivalent to corresponding official Spanish university qualifications, however you will not be asked to 'homologar' the qualification with the Ministry of Education.
    • As such, it would be wise for those interested in pursuing these studies to follow the news regularly and have an interest in what is going on in society. You should have good observation and analytical skills, both for short and long term events. Furthermore, you should possess good written and verbal communication skills, be interested in new and cutting edge information technologies (ICTs), and be interested in interacting with the main stakeholders responsible for the organization and layout of the geography we see around us today.
    • More specifically, if we focus on the characteristics and objectives of these studies, we ask that students undertaking this degree be aware that they should possess the following: a clear vision of the practical training they will undergo in the field in different regions and areas of the world, and the nature of data from several territorial variables (environmental, social, and economical) in its different and varied forms as and when gathered via different modes of geographic expression (new geographic information technologies). As such, you should demonstrate an interest in learning all that which will enable you to work as a professional in this field, and, furthermore, provide you with the ability to analyse problems, provide well-reasoned arguments, and encourage a proactive attitude, from a scientific and professional perspective, when it comes to handling those elements that make up real-world geography.
    • Generally speaking, new students should demonstrate, amongst other things, interest in the direct observation of landforms and the analysis of social and environmental problems. You should be sensitive to your natural environment and cultural surroundings whilst being aware of how different groups of humans make use of the surrounding territory. You must also possess critical thinking skills and a willingness to work in an academic field that involves multidisciplinary research.
    • Avda. Astrofísico Francisco Sánchez, SN. Edificio Calabaza – AN.2D Apdo. 456 38200 San Cristóbal de La Laguna por: C/ Pedro Zerolo, s/n. Edificio Central. Apartado 456. Código postal 38200. San Cristóbal de La Laguna. S/C de Tenerife
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