Degree in Design

Curriculum Structure

The planning of the teachings of the Degree in Design involves the structuring of content, systems and methodologies that make possible the acquisition of the knowledge, capacities, abilities and basic skills necessary for Design graduates to be able to develop their activity in any of the lines specified in the professional profile defined by the white paper of the degree.

The curriculum developed on the basis of the regulatory framework for the organisation and verification of official university education – Royal Decree 1393/2007 – (modified by RD 861/2010), and the guidelines developed by the University of La Laguna, is structured in the following subjects:

Distribution of the curriculum by type of subject
Type of Subject
Basic training 60
Mandatory 120
Electives 24
Internships 12
Final Degree Project 24

The curriculum is structured into nine modules: Basic Training; Advanced Processes in Design and Visual Communication Module; Cultural Subjects Module; Techniques and Technology Workshops Module; Design Projects Module; Auxiliary Subjects Module; Optional Subjects Module.

First quarter Second quarter
Subject Credits Subject Credits
First course
Techniques of Expression in Modern Language 6 Cultural Anthropology 6
Visual Culture and Contemporary Artistic Creation 6 Introduction to History 6
Introduction to Art History 6 Introduction to Philosophical Problems 6
Photograph 6 Volume 6
Sketching 6 Color 6
Second course
Photographic techniques and processes 6 Illustration 6
Graphic arts 6 Typography 6
Theory and history of design 6 Theory and language of the image 6
Design theory 6 History of design 6
Techniques and procedures in graphic design and image 1 6 Techniques and procedures in graphic design and image 2 6
Third course
Editorial design 6 Workshop on professional competitions and TFG proposal 12
Corporate identity 6 Project methodology and introduction to research 6
Web Design 6 Areas of design action and new trends 6
Elective 6 Elective 6
Techniques and procedures in graphic design and image 3 6
Fourth course
Final Degree Project 12 Final Degree Project 12
Civil legislation and legal protection of the creator 6 Marketing 6
Elective 6 Practicum 12
Elective 6
Signage 6 Packaging 6
Ecodesign 6 Corporate image 6
Applied illustration 6 Editorial project 6
Design for the tourism sector 6 Motion graphics design 6