Contenidos teóricos y prácticos de la asignatura
1. An Introduction to the Study and Analysis of Poetry.
2. Sixteenth and Seventeenth Century Poetry.
2.1 Elizabethan Poetry: Spenser, Sidney and Shakespeare. The Sonnet.
2.2 Metaphysical Poetry: John Donne.
2.3 An Introduction to John Milton’s Paradise Lost.
2.4 Other 17th-Century Poetry.
3. Restoration and Eighteenth-Century Poetry: An Overview.
4. Romantic Poetry.
4.1 An Introduction to the English Romantic Poetry.
4.2 William Wordsworth.
4.3 Samuel Taylor Coleridge.
4.4 Percy Bysshe Shelley
4.5 John Keats.
5. Victorian Poetry.
6. Twentieth and Twenty-First Century Poetry.
6.1 W. B. Yeats.
6.2 War Poetry.
6.3 Other British and Irish Poets since 1930.
Actividades a desarrollar en otro idioma
Todas las actividades serán en lengua inglesa.