Contenidos teóricos y prácticos de la asignatura
Esta asignatura se encuentra organizada en tres temas que corresponden a las tres primeras unidades temáticas del libro de texto. Dichas unidades proporcionan diferentes contextos a partir de los cuales se trabajarán las distintas habilidades comunicativas de la lengua inglesa, tanto escrita como hablada, así como los conocimientos léxico-gramaticales necesarios para alcanzar un nivel B2 del Marco Común Europeo de Referencia para las Lenguas (MCERL).
Tema 1. Customs and behaviour (Unit 7) Prof.ª Dolores Torres Medina / Prof.ª María Doali Rodríguez Luis
Grammar: Zero and first conditionals. Time linkers. Usually, used to, would, be used to and get used to.
Vocabulary: Raising children: verbs. Food and eating habits. Word focus: same and different. Weddings. Wordbuilding: word pairs.
Functions: Describing traditions.
Critical thinking: Questions and answers.
Writing: Text type: a description. Writing skill: adding detail.
Tema 2. Hopes and ambitions (Unit 8) Prof.ª Dolores Torres Medina
Grammar: Second, third and mixed conditionals.Wish and if only.
Vocabulary: Word focus: make and do. Wordbuilding: noun suffixes. Strong feelings. Word focus: better.
Functions: Discussing preferences.
Critical thinking: Emotive language.
Writing: Text type: an online comment. Writing skill: giving vivid examples.
Tema 3. The news (Unit 9) Prof.ª Dolores Torres Medina
Grammar: Verb patterns with reporting verbs. Passive reporting verbs.
Vocabulary: Reporting verbs. Positive adjectives. Wordbuilding: forming adjectives from verbs. Word focus: word.
Functions: Reporting what you have heard.
Critical thinking: Different perspectives.
Writing: Text type: a news article. Writing skill: using quotations.
Tema 1. Customs and behaviour (Unit 7) Prof.ª Dolores Torres Medina / Prof.ª María Doali Rodríguez Luis
Grammar: Zero and first conditionals. Time linkers. Usually, used to, would, be used to and get used to.
Vocabulary: Raising children: verbs. Food and eating habits. Word focus: same and different. Weddings. Wordbuilding: word pairs.
Functions: Describing traditions.
Critical thinking: Questions and answers.
Writing: Text type: a description. Writing skill: adding detail.
Tema 2. Hopes and ambitions (Unit 8) Prof.ª Dolores Torres Medina
Grammar: Second, third and mixed conditionals.Wish and if only.
Vocabulary: Word focus: make and do. Wordbuilding: noun suffixes. Strong feelings. Word focus: better.
Functions: Discussing preferences.
Critical thinking: Emotive language.
Writing: Text type: an online comment. Writing skill: giving vivid examples.
Tema 3. The news (Unit 9) Prof.ª Dolores Torres Medina
Grammar: Verb patterns with reporting verbs. Passive reporting verbs.
Vocabulary: Reporting verbs. Positive adjectives. Wordbuilding: forming adjectives from verbs. Word focus: word.
Functions: Reporting what you have heard.
Critical thinking: Different perspectives.
Writing: Text type: a news article. Writing skill: using quotations.
Actividades a desarrollar en otro idioma
Esta asignatura se imparte y se evalúa en lengua inglesa. Quienes se matriculen en ella deberían haber alcanzado previamente un nivel B1+. Por lo tanto, se recomienda haber superado la asignatura Usos del inglés.