A bath in the sea

Einstein already said that there are two infinite things, the universe and human stupidity, but he was not sure about the first. That phrase comes to mind when I contemplate this photo where a voluminous residue in the shape of a bathtub is found at the bottom of Montaña Amarilla, whose land part has been…

The purification and regeneration of water is a pending subject as this outfall shows in the municipality of Abades (Tenerife). Returning the water to the sea in proper conditions is a moral duty on our part. For years it has been believed in the self-purifying power of rivers and oceans, but the carrying capacity of…

Playa Grande, in the municipality of Arico, dawns with a blanket of microplastics on the sand. The influence of currents makes marine debris converge on this beach in the south of Tenerife, currently considered by researchers as a hotspot for the massive arrival of microplastics. Island systems are the most affected by this growing problem,…
The nasa you don’t go through

Biofouling is the layer of living organisms that stick to surfaces found in the marine environment. To prevent its appearance, compounds are used that can be very harmful to the environment. This pot surrounded by biofouling, lies forgotten at the bottom of the waters of Porís, functioning as a lethal murder weapon for fisheries resources…
The Cleaner Urchin

An Urchin on the coast of Los Abrigos(Tenerife) lives with a wet wipe. The current crisis generated by the pandemic has led to an increase in the use of this product among consumers. Flushing wipes down the toilet not only causes clogging problems in sanitation, but also a serious environmental problem. Being made up of…
Not everything is sebadal

The deficiencies in the water purification and regeneration systems mean that part of the waste that we dispose of through household drains ends up on our coasts, as we see in the Abades sebadal. Tampons and pads are, in part, made of synthetic fibers that degrade slowly, producing microplastics in the form of microfibers. This…
The nasa you go through

The pots are passive artisanal fishing techniques that consist of introducing bait inside, generating a call effect on small fish, and these in turn on the larger ones. Forgotten or lost pots are a deadly weapon and cause an imbalance in the ecosystem, as they generate chained deaths as if it were a domino effect….
No straw, please

The human being has many pending accounts with the environment, since it is the cause of most of the environmental disasters that surround us. An example is the nonsense of the excessive use of single-use plastics that end up in the ocean. But there is hope in 2021 for this problem: Directive 2019/904 of the…
Living in the garbage

Most of the garbage that reaches the bottom is forever forgotten by humans. Species adapt to their surroundings and there they build their communities, making a home out of garbage. Photo by Isa Peeters.
Seahorse Ride

A seahorse «rides» on a rest of synthetic rope attached to a feather. Seahorses have a very characteristic tail that allows them to anchor themselves to objects such as seba leaves to avoid the onslaught of currents. This seahorse adapts to the times in which he lived, selecting marine litter that may be useful. Photo…
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