COmputational Semantics - LINGuistic Engineering (COSLING) Group

COSLING is a research group whose members belong to the Instituto de Lingüística Andres Bello (INULAB). The group is engaged in active research in different linguistic topics, especially in those concerned with lexical and grammatical investigations of English and other languages.  One of its main objectives is to provide a regular forum for discussion of work inprogress and collaborative research,  specially that concerned with the interface between semantic and syntactic structures in a computational environment. Our group is also part of a network of research teams, the so-called Lexicom Project, which share a common interest in the semantic construction and interpretation of linguistic structures form the perspective of the Lexical Constructional Model (see Lexicom for references). Our more recent research projects are aimed at the computational analysis of English, specifically at the implementation of Computational Ontology and Lexica for a Lexical-Conceptual Knowledge base for Natural Language Processing FunGramKB (FUNctional GRAMmar Knowledge Base, and the design of the parsing prototype ARTEMIS (Automatically Representing TExt Meaning via an Interlingua-based System).