Máster Universitario en Astrofísica (2024 - 2025)


Categoría profesional: Profesor/a a Tiempo Completo
Formación académica fundamental: Universidad de La Laguna, VIera y Clavijo y Junior Leader La Caixa Fellow, 01/06/2020
Instituto de astrofisica de canarias, Marie Curie INdividual Fellow, postdoc 01/02/2018
Leibniz Institute fur Astrophysik AIP Schwarzschild fellowship, postdoc 01/01/2017
DARK Cosmology Centre DARK independent fellow, postdoc 01/11/2014
Universidad Autónoma de Madrid Full time Ayudante - teaching assistant 01/10/2010 - PhD in astrophysics cum laude 2014
Universita' Sapienza di Roma Full time temporary researcher 01/04/2010 - Master cum laude in Astronomy and Astrophysics 2009
CALTECH - California Institute of Technology Full time researcher at CALTECH 2008
Universita' Sapienza di Roma Bachelor cum laude  in Physics and Astrophysics, 2006
Breve currículo profesional genérico: Arianna Di Cintio, of italian nationality, gained both her undergraduate and master degree in
astrophysics at Sapienza University of Rome, in 2006 and 2009, both titles being given a cum
laude. She started her career as experimental astrophysicist working with the gravitational
waves detectors LIGO/VIRGO. She won a scholarship to carry on her master thesis in
GW interferometers at the California Institute of Technology, CALTECH, thesis awarded in
the 2010 with the prize `Best thesis in experimental astrophysics' given by the Italian
Accademia dei Lincei. She then moved to the field of theoretical astrophysics and, with a
teaching assistant+PhD studentship from Spanish government, she joined the computational
group at Universidad Autonoma de Madrid with Prof. Knebe in 2010. Her Phd was devoted
to the analysis of simulations of galaxies, with focus on problematic aspects of the current
cosmological model at galactic scales. She used several simulations to investigate the role of
baryonic physics in shaping the density profiles of DM haloes, and addressed the decade long
cusp-core problem and recent too-big-to-fail one. She defended her PhD in July 2014 cum
laude, international PhD title, co-tutela with Rome University. Her thesis has been awarded
a `Extraordinary PhD prize' from UAM in 2015. She has been offered a 3-years DARK
independent fellowship at DARK cosmology center, where she worked between 11/2014 and
12/2016. In 2017, she resigned from DARK to move to AIP-Leibniz Institute fur astrophysik in
Potsdam, with a 5-years independent Karl-Schwarzschild fellowship. In 2018, having won
a Marie Curie Independent Fellowship, she resigned from AIP and moved to IAC,Tenerife.
Since february 2018 she is Marie-Sklodowska-Curie Individual Fellowship at IAC.
In  2020, Arianna won the competitive Junior Leader Fellowship from La Caixa bank, the Viera y Clavijo fellowship and the Ramon y Cajal  one.
She moved at ULL since June 2020 to carry on her activity of reserach and teaching.
Breve currículo investigador: Arianna's main interest are dwarf galaxies modeled through cosmological simulations, and
the role of feedback in shaping the dark matter profile of these faint system. At the IAC, she
works at the forefront of Low Surface Brightness universe from a theoretical point of view,
complementing the observational efforts of IAC colleagues.
As of January 2020, 5 years 1/2 from her PhD, she has a total of 34 published papers, over
1400 citations, and h-index of 19.
She has been main organizer (chair or co-chair) of 8 international meetings. She is
scientific referee for at least 6 different international journals, including MNRAS, JCAP,
ApJ, A&A, PRD, Science Bulletin.
She has been referee in 7 international scientific committees, including CAT and OPC for
ESO telescope time,2 PhD thesis committees, 2 postdoctoral position reviewing committees,
and 1 Grants committee for Argentinian government. She has further been invited as expert
referee for USA NSF National Science Foundation 2019 panels.
She regularly participates to outreach activities, both in schools and for the general public,
including mentoring of women in physics.
She has been invited to more than 25 international conferences, either as plenary, review,
or focused talks. She delivered other 10 contributed talks in conferences. She has been invited
to 19 colloquia in international institutes.
She won several grants and awards, including 2 for her master and PhD thesis.
She supervised 4 students (3 currently at IAC) and led papers with other 2. She is part
of international projects, i.e. NIHAO and CLUES collaboration.
She has 4+ years teaching experience at undergrad level.
Líneas de investigación: galaxy formation with numerical simulations
cold dark matter and self interacting dark matter simulations
dwarf galaxies and the local group
testing LCDM cosmological models with galaxy simulations
small scale problems of LCDM model
Portal del investigador: Enlace al Portal de la Investigación
Fecha de la última modificación: 13-07-2020
Tutorías primer cuatrimestre:
DesdeHastaDíaHora incialHora finalLocalizaciónPlantaDespacho
Todo el cuatrimestre Lunes 16:00 18:00 Instituto de Astrofísica de Canarias - EX.1A IAC
Todo el cuatrimestre Miércoles 16:00 18:00 Edificio de Física y Matemáticas - AN.2B
Todo el cuatrimestre Jueves 16:00 18:00 Instituto de Astrofísica de Canarias - EX.1A IAC
Observaciones: contactar previamente por correo electronico adicintio@iac.es . Las tutorías podrán ser por correo electrónico o por teleconferencia utilizando MEET o Zoom.
Tutorías segundo cuatrimestre:
DesdeHastaDíaHora incialHora finalLocalizaciónPlantaDespacho
Todo el cuatrimestre Lunes 16:00 18:00 Instituto de Astrofísica de Canarias - EX.1A IAC
Todo el cuatrimestre Miércoles 16:00 18:00 Edificio de Física y Matemáticas - AN.2B
Todo el cuatrimestre Jueves 16:00 18:00 Instituto de Astrofísica de Canarias - EX.1A IAC
Observaciones: contactar previamente por correo electronico adicintio@iac.es . Las tutorías podrán ser por correo electrónico o por teleconferencia utilizando MEET o Zoom.
Tutorías primer cuatrimestre:
DesdeHastaDíaHora inicialHora finalTipo de tutoríaMedio o canal de comunicación
Todo el cuatrimestre Lunes 16:00 18:00 online adicintio@iac.es
Todo el cuatrimestre Miércoles 16:00 18:00 online adicintio@iac.es
Todo el cuatrimestre Jueves 16:00 18:00 online adicintio@iac.es
Observaciones: Contactar por correo electrónico (adicintio@iac.es). Se organizará una sesión en Zoom/Google Meet/Skype si fuera necesario
Tutorías segundo cuatrimestre:
DesdeHastaDíaHora inicialHora finalTipo de tutoríaMedio o canal de comunicación