Master's Degree in Terrestrial Biodiversity and Conservation in Islands

Master's Degree in Terrestrial Biodiversity and Conservation in Islands

Currently, both habitats and species are disappearing at a rapid rate, especially on islands. The aim of this master's degree is to train conservation professionals and researchers capable of facing the challenge of biodiversity conservation and restoration.

General information

  • In summary, the aim is to gain knowledge and understanding of: the nature of biodiversity, types, origin, fluctuations and threats; the methods and techniques for its conservation, management and sustainable use; preparation for professional practice and for teaching biodiversity in its different aspects; initiation into basic and applied research on living beings, current and fossil, and on systemic and evolutionary aspects of biodiversity.
  • To transmit to students respect for fundamental rights and equality between men and women, respect and promotion of Human Rights, democratic culture and peace, and the principles of equal opportunities, non-discrimination and universal accessibility for people with disabilities.
  • Provide up-to-date, high-quality training based on the acquisition of theoretical-practical multidisciplinary knowledge necessary for the exercise of research, work practice in emerging and expanding professions, as well as management in public or private administration entities.
  • To train specialists in Biodiversity and its Conservation, enabling them to access the job market in positions with a high level of responsibility or to apply their ideas in a research context
Currently, both habitats and species are disappearing at a rapid rate, especially on islands. The aim of this master's degree is to train conservation professionals and researchers capable of facing the challenge of biodiversity conservation and restoration.
Currently, both habitats and species are disappearing at a rapid rate, especially on islands. The aim of this master's degree is to train conservation professionals and researchers capable of facing the challenge of biodiversity conservation and restoration.
The knowledge and skills acquired in the Master's degree enable students to carry out the technical-professional activities specified in the Verification Report, including:
  • Advice and development of studies and practical work on biodiversity and its conservation.
  • Analysis of the structure, functioning and dynamics of populations and communities relevant to biological conservation.
  • Assess the vulnerability of island biota.
  • Conservation and management of populations.
  • Solving biodiversity conservation problems.
  • Design of reserves taking into account the principles of island biogeography.
  • Design, planning, implementation and evaluation of actions for the conservation of the natural environment.
  • Drafting, planning and implementation of recovery plans for endangered species in accordance with the provisions of current legislation (Law 42/2007, of December 13, on Natural Heritage and Biodiversity; DECREE 188/2005, of September 13, which modifies Decree 151/2001, of July 23, which creates the Catalogue of Endangered Species of the Canary Islands.)
  • Preparation of risk analyses of invasive alien species, with a view to the management and regulation of both their trade and possession (Law 42/2007, of December 13, on Natural Heritage and Biodiversity; Royal Decree 630/2013, of August 2, regulating the Spanish catalogue of invasive alien species; and Regulation (EU) No 1143/2014 of the European Parliament and of the Council of October 22, 2014 on the prevention and management of the introduction and spread of species).
  • Design, management and implementation of eradication or control plans for invasive alien species.

Technical and professional skills can be developed both in public administrations with responsibilities in the management and conservation of the natural environment, and in the field of related public or private companies.

Therefore, the graduate of the master's degree will be a specialist and will be able to exercise and develop professional skills as a senior technician both in public administration and in private activity related to the field in which he has been trained. Likewise, he will be prepared to develop research work in Doctoral Programs, which will contribute to completing his training in a specific field.

The planning and mobility management resources provided by the University of La Laguna itself will be used.

You can find more information about mobility grants for students in university master's degrees at this calls page.

In addition, you can consult here information on scholarships from the Ministry of Education.

The University of La Laguna has mobility calls for postgraduate students, through its Vice-Rectorate for Internationalization:

General information

  • In summary, the aim is to gain knowledge and understanding of: the nature of biodiversity, types, origin, fluctuations and threats; the methods and techniques for its conservation, management and sustainable use; preparation for professional practice and for teaching biodiversity in its different aspects; initiation into basic and applied research on living beings, current and fossil, and on systemic and evolutionary aspects of biodiversity.
  • To transmit to students respect for fundamental rights and equality between men and women, respect and promotion of Human Rights, democratic culture and peace, and the principles of equal opportunities, non-discrimination and universal accessibility for people with disabilities.
  • Provide up-to-date, high-quality training based on the acquisition of theoretical-practical multidisciplinary knowledge necessary for the exercise of research, work practice in emerging and expanding professions, as well as management in public or private administration entities.
  • To train specialists in Biodiversity and its Conservation, enabling them to access the job market in positions with a high level of responsibility or to apply their ideas in a research context
Currently, both habitats and species are disappearing at a rapid rate, especially on islands. The aim of this master's degree is to train conservation professionals and researchers capable of facing the challenge of biodiversity conservation and restoration.
Currently, both habitats and species are disappearing at a rapid rate, especially on islands. The aim of this master's degree is to train conservation professionals and researchers capable of facing the challenge of biodiversity conservation and restoration.
The knowledge and skills acquired in the Master's degree enable students to carry out the technical-professional activities specified in the Verification Report, including:
  • Advice and development of studies and practical work on biodiversity and its conservation.
  • Analysis of the structure, functioning and dynamics of populations and communities relevant to biological conservation.
  • Assess the vulnerability of island biota.
  • Conservation and management of populations.
  • Solving biodiversity conservation problems.
  • Design of reserves taking into account the principles of island biogeography.
  • Design, planning, implementation and evaluation of actions for the conservation of the natural environment.
  • Drafting, planning and implementation of recovery plans for endangered species in accordance with the provisions of current legislation (Law 42/2007, of December 13, on Natural Heritage and Biodiversity; DECREE 188/2005, of September 13, which modifies Decree 151/2001, of July 23, which creates the Catalogue of Endangered Species of the Canary Islands.)
  • Preparation of risk analyses of invasive alien species, with a view to the management and regulation of both their trade and possession (Law 42/2007, of December 13, on Natural Heritage and Biodiversity; Royal Decree 630/2013, of August 2, regulating the Spanish catalogue of invasive alien species; and Regulation (EU) No 1143/2014 of the European Parliament and of the Council of October 22, 2014 on the prevention and management of the introduction and spread of species).
  • Design, management and implementation of eradication or control plans for invasive alien species.

Technical and professional skills can be developed both in public administrations with responsibilities in the management and conservation of the natural environment, and in the field of related public or private companies.

Therefore, the graduate of the master's degree will be a specialist and will be able to exercise and develop professional skills as a senior technician both in public administration and in private activity related to the field in which he has been trained. Likewise, he will be prepared to develop research work in Doctoral Programs, which will contribute to completing his training in a specific field.

The planning and mobility management resources provided by the University of La Laguna itself will be used.

You can find more information about mobility grants for students in university master's degrees at this calls page.

In addition, you can consult here information on scholarships from the Ministry of Education.

The University of La Laguna has mobility calls for postgraduate students, through its Vice-Rectorate for Internationalization: