The Master's Degree in Bioethics and Biolaw, which is part-time and organised jointly by the University of La Laguna and the University of Las Palmas de Gran Canaria, is the result of the adaptation of a previous Master's Degree in which, in addition to the two Canarian universities, the Universities of the Basque Country, Zaragoza and Rovira i Virgili participated. The need for training in Bioethics has been clearly established in recent years, as a result of the complexity that clinical practice has acquired and the paradigm shift in the relationships between professionals and patients. "Good intentions" or common sense are not enough; it is necessary to delve deeper into the philosophical and anthropological foundations of the human being, health and illness, as well as into the current ethical and deontological criteria, as well as into the legal consequences and civil and criminal liability of medical acts. The importance of bioethics has been underlined by numerous works within international organisations (WHO, UNESCO, ERC) and international medical associations. The aim of this master's degree is to train, in a multidisciplinary way, professionals from different fields who are interested in increasing their training in the different aspects of bioethics and biolaw. In previous editions, for example, students of medicine, nursing, physiotherapy, pharmacy, biology, veterinary medicine, chemistry, law, philosophy, social work, economics, basic research and others have participated.
Access and Admission Criteria
Schedules and exams
Additional information
You can consult the teaching staff who teach in the degree and their brief teaching, research and professional curriculum vitae through the following link:
In addition, linked to the teaching guides for each subject, you can also access the brief curriculum vitae of the responsible teaching staff:
The planning and mobility management resources provided by the University of La Laguna itself will be used.
You can find more information about mobility grants for students in university master's degrees at this calls page.
In addition, you can consult here information on scholarships from the Ministry of Education.
The University of La Laguna has mobility calls for postgraduate students, through its Vice-Rectorate for Internationalization:
Application for admission
Employability and entrepreneurship
Activities of interest