Degree in Pharmacy

Teaching coordination

Horizontal and vertical teaching coordination procedures of the curriculum

The teaching coordination of the Degree in Pharmacy is based on the following figures:

Quality Coordinator. This coordination will be carried out by the Faculty's Quality Coordinator.

Its functions are:

  • a) Convene and moderate meetings with subject coordinators.
  • b) Analyze, together with the subject coordinators, the contents of the subjects to avoid duplications or deficiencies, to guarantee a homogeneous study plan.
  • e) Review the proposed schedules for the different teaching activities and examination calendar for approval by the Faculty Board.
  • f) Review the teaching-learning process to update and improve the Master's training program.
  • g) Ensure that the learning outcome proposed for each subject is met.
  • h) Submit suggestions to the Faculty Quality Committee.


Subject coordinator. He/she is responsible for the organisational aspects of the theoretical and/or practical groups of the subject and is the point of reference for the management of any dysfunction that may occur throughout the course, bringing it to the attention of the Faculty's Quality Coordinator.

Its functions are:

  • a) Convene and moderate meetings with the subject's teaching team, centralizing their contributions.
  • b) Establish the work procedure to follow: distribution of tasks and mode of operation.
  • c) Propose, together with the rest of the teaching team, the content, the preparation and/or revision of the teaching material, the tests to be carried out, the evaluation criteria for the subject and the organisation of the practice groups, if any.
  • d) Prepare the Teaching Guide for the subject, in collaboration with the rest of the teaching staff, for subsequent approval by the Quality Committee.
  • e) Organize students for the correct development of different teaching activities (practices, visits, etc.)
  • f) Monitor the publication of notes and signing of minutes.
  • h) Call the teaching team of the subject to meetings to monitor and assess the academic year.
  • i) Attend meetings convened by the Faculty Quality Coordinator.