Degree in Pharmacy


Competencies are the set of knowledge, skills and attitudes to be acquired by students throughout the degree, aimed at preparing them for the exercise of professional activities.

The objective of the Degree in Pharmacy is to train experts in medicine and its impact on health, and as a health professional, they are responsible for activities aimed at the production, conservation and dispensing of medicines, as well as collaboration in analytical, pharmacotherapeutic and public health surveillance processes. According to the White Paper on the Degree in Pharmacy, published by ANECA, pharmaceutical training will be oriented towards achieving the following general objectives:

  • 1. To train experts in all aspects related to drugs and medicines, in accordance with the approved European Directive on Pharmacy Qualifications, including clinical pharmacy and pharmaceutical care activities.
  • 2. Provide the acquisition of knowledge, skills and attitudes necessary for the various modalities of professional practice.
  • 3. To adequately balance, according to the indications of the WHO (1993, 2000), the contents referring to: basic sciences, pharmaceutical sciences, biomedical and clinical sciences, socioeconomic sciences, experimentation, communication techniques and supervised practices.
  • 4. Establish the bases for the subsequent access of students to pharmaceutical specialization, scientific research, technological development activities and teaching.
  • 5. Stimulate autonomous learning, encourage individual and collective study and reduce passive forms of teaching in order to motivate students towards continuing education.
  • 6. Train professionals capable of integrating into the chemical-pharmaceutical industry.
  • 7. Stimulate in the student the ability to carry out experimental designs based on the scientific method and the interpretation of scientific works in the field of health sciences.
  • 8. Train professionals capable of integrating into the health care system and contributing to its optimization.
  • 9. Train for teamwork with other professionals in the different aspects of healthcare activity.
  • 10. Promote critical analysis in the evaluation of problems, decision-making and leadership spirit and train professionals in the culture of total quality with management and direction skills.
  • The objectives of the undergraduate studies in Pharmacy are regulated by order CIN 2137/2008, which establishes that the graduate in Pharmacy must acquire the following skills:
  • 1. Identify, design, obtain, analyze, control and produce drugs and medicines, as well as other products and raw materials of health interest for human or veterinary use.
  • 2. Evaluate the therapeutic and toxic effects of substances with pharmacological activity.
  • 3. Know how to apply the scientific method and acquire skills in the management of legislation, sources of information, bibliography, preparation of protocols and other aspects that are considered necessary for the design and critical evaluation of preclinical and clinical trials.
  • 4. Design, prepare, supply and dispense medicines and other products of health interest.
  • 5. Provide therapeutic advice on pharmacotherapy and diet therapy, as well as in the nutritional and food fields in the establishments where they provide services.
  • 6. Promote the rational use of medicines and health products, as well as acquire basic knowledge in clinical management, health economics and efficient use of health resources.
  • 7. Identify, evaluate and assess problems related to drugs and medicines, as well as participate in pharmacovigilance activities.
  • 8. Carry out clinical and social pharmacy activities, following the pharmaceutical care cycle.
  • 9. Participate in health promotion and disease prevention activities at the individual, family and community levels, with a comprehensive and multi-professional vision of the health-disease process.
  • 10. Design, apply and evaluate reagents, methods and clinical analytical techniques, knowing the basic foundations of clinical analysis and the characteristics and contents of laboratory diagnostic reports.
  • 11. Evaluate the toxicological effects of substances and design and apply the corresponding tests and analyses.
  • 12. Develop hygiene-sanitary analyses, especially those related to food and the environment.
  • 13. Develop communication and information skills, both oral and written, to deal with patients and users of the center where you carry out your professional activity.
  • 14. Promote work and collaboration skills in multidisciplinary teams and those related to other healthcare professionals.
  • 15. Know the ethical and deontological principles according to the legislative, regulatory and administrative provisions that govern professional practice, understanding the ethical implications of health in a changing social context.
  • 16. Recognize one's own limitations and the need to maintain and update professional competence, paying special attention to self-learning of new knowledge based on available scientific evidence.