Use and Management of Cultural Heritage

Access, admission and registration

Article 16 entitled “Access to official Master's degree courses” of Chapter IV “Official university Master's degree courses” of Royal Decree 1393/2007, of October 29, which establishes the organization of official university courses, states the following:

1. To access official master's degree courses, it will be necessary to be in possession of an official Spanish university degree or another degree issued by a higher education institution in the European Higher Education Area that authorizes access to master's degree courses in the country issuing the degree.

2. Likewise, graduates from educational systems outside the European Higher Education Area may access the programme without the need for their qualifications to be recognised, subject to verification by the University that they certify a level of training equivalent to the corresponding official Spanish university qualifications and that they entitle them to access postgraduate studies in the country that issued the qualification. Access via this route will not, under any circumstances, imply the recognition of the previous qualification held by the interested party, nor its recognition for any purpose other than to undertake master's studies.

In addition, the University of La Laguna, in compliance with the provisions of Decree 168/2008, of July 22 (Official Gazette of the Canary Islands No. 154, of August 1), establishes that in order to access this master's degree, it will be an essential requirement to prove a B1 level of English. Check the Documents recognized as proof of language skills. In addition, you can consult the following list of subjects that ULL and ULPGC, for the purposes of enrolment in a master's degree at the University of La Laguna, entails the acquisition of a B1 level of English and exemption from subjects as an academic requirement that enables admission to Master's degrees (to view the document, Click here).

Check the following link for the relationship of official ULL Degree qualifications whose completion recognises the achievement of foreign language skills (at least level B1) and the List of subjects from the different official ULL Degree courses, the completion of which involves attaining foreign language skills (level B1)

Admission is the allocation of places offered by the ULL to study official university courses among those who, fulfilling the access requirements indicated above (Graduate/Bachelor's degree and/or approved foreign qualification and B1 in English), have requested them.

The body responsible for admission that will evaluate the applications will be the Academic Committee of the degree, whose composition is determined in article 30 of the Regulations for Official Master's Degree Courses at the University of La LagunaArticle 31 of the aforementioned regulation states that the proposal for admission of students is one of the functions of the Academic Commission.

It is aimed at various qualifications: Graduates in Fine Arts, Conservation and Restoration of Cultural Assets, Design, History, Archaeology, History of Art, Cultural Management, Geography and Land Management, Social and Cultural Anthropology, Technical Architecture and Architects.

Also for qualifications equivalent to those mentioned, and those whose study plans document sufficient prior training related to Cultural Heritage. Regardless of the access qualification, the Master's proposed here is also indicated for those applicants who prove sufficient complementary training or professional experience in the subject matter. The Academic Committee will assess the suitability of such cases based on the merits provided.

In the event that demand exceeds supply, the scale will be applied with the following criteria and their weighting.


Personal academic record of the access degree. The average academic grade obtained in the degree will be taken into account, with a scale of 0 to 4.

Additional training related to the Master's subject. Up to 3 points may be obtained for courses, seminars or other training activities accredited by documentation: 0.5 points for every 50 hours of training activity, 0.2 for 20 hours, seminars, conferences: 0.2 each)

Professional experience related to the Master's themeA maximum of 3 points may be obtained depending on the time worked in a job related to the Master's degree. (2.4 points per year worked, 0.2 points per month, other activities: 0.2 each).

You can consult all the information in the following link, as well as the Pre-registration and enrollment calendar.