Interdisciplinary Gender Studies

General Information


Currently, gender is a field of innovation in science and technology. The Doctorate in Interdisciplinary Studies of Gender constitutes a novel bet in the Spanish university panorama, since it lacks precedents in the Spanish university. It is a proposal that responds to and meets the demand generated by the scientific policy developed, more than a decade ago, by the European Union and by Spanish legislation that requires, urgently and urgently, adequate training in the most high academic level. It is an interuniversity doctorate in which, apart from the University of La Laguna, the University of Alicante, the University of Alcalá, the University of the Balearic Islands, the University of Huelva, the Jaume I University of Castellón, the University Rey Juan Carlos and the Autonomous University of Madrid, which is the University that coordinates the Doctorate Programme

Academic direction

Acedemic direction
Yolanda Guerrero
  • Stays in other research centers (mobility)
  • Preparation of publishable works in scientific journals
  • Assistance and presentation of papers in national or international scientific congresses
  • Research Seminars in Interdisciplinary Gender Studies
  • Line 1: Gender, History and Cultural Production
  • Line 2: Gender, Health and Sexualities
  • Line 3: Gender, Economy, Law and Equality Policies
  • Line 4: Feminist Theories, citizenship and globalization
  • Line 5: Gender, Gender Violence and Education
  • Contact information
  • Avda. Astrofísico Francisco Sánchez, SN. Edificio Calabaza – AN.2D Apdo. 456 38200 San Cristóbal de La Laguna por: C/ Pedro Zerolo, s/n. Edificio Central. Apartado 456. Código postal 38200. San Cristóbal de La Laguna. S/C de Tenerife
  • Website
  • Complaints & Suggestion Box