Territory and Society. Historical Evolution in a Tricontinental Space (Africa, America and Europe)

General Information


The Doctorate in Territory and Society. Historical Evolution of a Tricontinental Space (Africa, America and Europe) (DOCTESO), is the result of the synergy of researchers who develop their work in the fields of geography, history, archeology, the study of religions and sciences social, of the Faculties of Geography and History of the University of Las Palmas de Gran Canaria (ULPGC) and of the University of La Laguna (ULL)

Academic direction

Acedemic direction ULL
Víctor Onésimo Martín Martín
Acedemic direction ULPGC
Amelia del Carmen Rodriguez Rodriguez
  • Research Seminars
  • Presentation of a theoretical and / or methodological aspect derived from the Thesis in a public context (Congress, Seminar, Workshop) specialized in one or several of the PhD research lines
  • Oral communication in the scientific field
  • Dissemination of research
  • Line 1: Social organization of space. Processes of anthropization and territorial planning
  • Line 2: Frontier societies. Colonization, acculturation and economic impact
  • Line 3: Studies of religions, beliefs and imaginaries
  • Line 4: Building Memory Written sources, Archeology and Historiographic Paradigms
  • Contact information
  • Avda. Astrofísico Francisco Sánchez, SN. Edificio Calabaza – AN.2D Apdo. 456 38200 San Cristóbal de La Laguna por: C/ Pedro Zerolo, s/n. Edificio Central. Apartado 456. Código postal 38200. San Cristóbal de La Laguna. S/C de Tenerife
  • sioinfo@ull.es
  • Website
  • Complaints & Suggestion Box