Education and Information and Communication Technology

Social and Legal Sciences

The general goal of this University Master in Education and ICT could be defined in a broad sense as the training of experts in advanced knowledge and skills to research into: ICT-assisted teaching-learning processes developed on on-line environments, training programmes and educational innovation projects on ICTs in formal (both schools and universities) and non-formal educational institutions, the design and development of educational software, on-line teaching materials, digital contents with educational applications distributed through digital media and technologies. Through this master, graduates in fields such as Pedagogy, Teaching, Social Education, Psychology, Information Technology or Engineering can specialise in the academic and research area of education and ICTs

General information

  • Credits: 60 ECTS
  • Duration: 1 year
  • Methodology: Online
  • Place:
    • Faculty of Education
  • Academic direction:
  • The formation of experts with advanced knowledge and skills to research into: ICT-assisted teaching-learning processes developed on virtual training environments, educational innovation projects and training programmes on ICTS in formal education institutions (both school and university) and non-formal, the design and development of educational software, on-line didactic materials, digital contents and educational applications distributed over digital media and technologies
  • The aim is for graduates of this Master to obtain specialised academic knowledge and the skills that will allow them to conduct applied research in sectors such as:
  • Educational research centres (Observatories, Foundations, Universities)
  • Publishers of text books and educational material
  • E-learning and distance learning companies
  • Companies that create and develop IT applications
  • Educational administrations: public education centres, etc.
  • Private education centres
  • E-learning units in both public and private universities
  • Virtual campuses of any educational level
  • Media companies (press, radio, television, cinema) and companies of the leisure industry (videogames)
  • Educational entrepreneurship on Internet
  • ICT and media study centres
  • Educational units of cultural centres like libraries, museums, etc.
  • This Master in Education and Information and Communication Technologies is a 60-credit programme (48 compulsory, 12 Dissertation) and, due to its research orientation, it makes graduates eligible for writing a doctoral thesis
  • Avda. Astrofísico Francisco Sánchez, SN. Edificio Calabaza – AN.2D Apdo. 456 38200 San Cristóbal de La Laguna por: C/ Pedro Zerolo, s/n. Edificio Central. Apartado 456. Código postal 38200. San Cristóbal de La Laguna. S/C de Tenerife
  • Website
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