Gender Studies and Equality Policies

Arts and Humanities

The University Master in Gender Studies and Equality Policies offers a theoretical study framework of basic concepts such as the gender difference, relations of power and cultural discourses that continue to maintain a status quo of inequality and discrimination. Discovering this framework will act as a link to address the analysis of the reality around us, touching upon methodologies of action to eradicate inequality and establish policies that reflect European, national and regional legislative provisions in matters of equal opportunities

General information

  • Credits: 90 ECTS
  • Duration: 2 years
  • Methodology: Classroom-based
  • Place:
    • Faculty of Humanities. Philosophy Section
  • Academic direction:
  • To train them in the detection and analysis of the different manners in which social gender inequalities occur and provide an information and assessment system aimed at diagnosing inequalities and propose political interventions to attain real and effective equality
  • Learn to design policies applied in the different areas of intervention that are studied
  • To provide the instruments and concepts that allow for the implementation of measures and projects that make it possible to analyse and eradicate gender-based violence. The design of preventative policies in the area of education requires a special mention
  • To train students in the design, application and assessment of public and private equality policies
  • Train people to recognise and incorporate the contributions of women to society and culture and to historically analyse the construction of knowledge in order to detect its androcentric bias and correct it in a drive for the inclusion and visibility of women
  • Provide theoretical and practical knowledge to facilitate the application of gender main-streaming in institutions and that help to implement the principle of equal opportunities in public policies at their different levels (international, national, regional and municipal) regarding employment, education, work, social services, sexuality, health, co-operation and grass-roots participation
  • The professional opportunities mentioned below are the functions to be carried out by all these professionals:
  • Detect needs in the area of equal opportunities between men and women
  • Programming, planning and implementation of projects dealing with equal opportunities between women and men
  • Monitor and assess different interventions
  • Information, orientation and advice in matters of equal opportunities between women and men
  • Co-ordinate professionals from different areas and departments dealing with equal opportunities
  • Propose, design and elaborate studies dealing with equal opportunities
  • Plan actions aimed at promoting the participation of women in all areas of society
  • Create protocols and action methods to deal with the use of sexist language in all the manifestations of different entities
    General skills
    • To discover the specific tools that help to elaborate practical applications, such as diagnoses, equality plans and the assessment of equality plans
    • Advise people and organisations in the application of equality measures in the different aspects of social life
    • The ability to conduct a critical and reflexive analysis in matters of equality between men and women
    • Apply the know-how necessary to roll-out projects with multi-disciplinary teams that will facilitate an integral and innovative approach to gender problems

    Specific skills
    • Be aware of the contribution of women to history using the theoretical apparatus of the latest historiographic trends
    • Discover previous experiences in different formal and non-formal educational contexts that enable professionals to design a set of best educational practises
    • Be aware of the historic construction of gender identities in society and its impact on the present
    • Analyse contemporary epistemological discussions touching upon the progress attained thanks to feminist theories
    • Study the specific tools for tackling the achievement of equality policies efficiently
    • Study the different aspects of enforcing equality and gender-based violence legislation
    • Analyse gender archetypes in the cultural imagery from a non-androcentric perspective
    • Study the processes of multi-culturism and globalisation by applying post-colonial studies and the approaches provided by the feminist movements of the Third Wave
    • Study the gender indicators necessary in the areas of social intervention
    • Identify the social aspects that surround the phenomenon of gender-based violence
    • Study the advances made in the use of non-sexist language (manuals of use and standards to apply)
    • Study the mechanisms for assessing the extent to which equality and gender violence legislation is enforced
    • Compare the knowledge acquired during the master’s course with normal practise and enrich them with a constant process of feedback between theoretical and practical reflection
    • Assess the advances made in gender studies by conducting theoretical and/or applied projects

  • Admission to the UMGT&EP will be granted to students who have a previous qualification in one of the following fields: Bachelor’s degree in psychology, geography, psycho-pedagogy, history, history of art, sociology, philology, law, economics, philosophy, social work, journalism, primary school teacher, infant school teacher, fine arts, nursing and medicine. The basic contribution of these studies is the specialised intensification of the application of gender perspective in the different studies that offer access to a master’s degree, such as mainstreaming and multi-disciplinary aspects that characterise the trajectory of gender studies
  • Avda. Astrofísico Francisco Sánchez, SN. Edificio Calabaza – AN.2D Apdo. 456 38200 San Cristóbal de La Laguna por: C/ Pedro Zerolo, s/n. Edificio Central. Apartado 456. Código postal 38200. San Cristóbal de La Laguna. S/C de Tenerife
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