Master's Degree in Research, Management and Quality in Health Care

Curriculum structure

Planning the teaching involves the structuring of content, systems and methodologies that make it possible to acquire the knowledge, capacities, abilities and basic skills necessary for students to be able to develop their activity in any of the lines specified in the professional profile defined for the degree.

The curriculum, structured into modules/subjects and courses, is based on the regulatory framework for the organisation and verification of official university education – RD 1393/2007 – and the guidelines developed by the University of La Laguna.


If you want to consult the history of the teaching guides, select it by accessing the ULL e-guide portal (once you have selected the subject, click on the academic year to view previous courses):

Code Subject Typology Credits Course Four-month period
185421001 Quality Mandatory (common) 12 1st Annual
185421101 Research Methodology Mandatory (common) 9 1st 1st
185421102 Bibliographic search management Mandatory (common) 6 1st 1st
185421103 Statistics and management of statistical programs Mandatory (common) 6 1st 1st
185421104 Scientific evidence Mandatory (common) 3 1st 1st
185421201 Methodology for the development of care and clinical practice guidelines Mandatory (common) 3 1st 2nd
185421202 Scientific communication Mandatory (common) 3 1st 2nd
185421203 Community health Mandatory (common) 6 1st 2nd
185421204 Social psychology of health Mandatory (common) 6 1st 2nd
185421205 Health care Mandatory (common) 6 1st 2nd
30 elective credits must be taken
185422101 Organization of health services Elective (Management itinerary) 3 2nd 1st
185422102 Health legislation Elective (Management itinerary) 3 2nd 1st
185422104 Health economics Elective (Management itinerary) 3 2nd 1st
185422103 Management of the care process Elective (Management itinerary) 3 2nd 1st
185422105 Organizational psychology Elective (Management itinerary) 3 2nd 1st
185422106 HR management and leadership skills Elective (Management itinerary) 3 2nd 1st
185422107 Planning and evaluation of health education projects Elective (Education pathway) 3 2nd 1st
185422108 Methods and techniques in health education Elective (Education pathway) 3 2nd 1st
185422109 Health Educators Elective (Education pathway) 3 2nd 1st
185422110 Health education for the adult individual in their social and cultural contexts Elective (Education pathway) 3 2nd 1st
185422111 Childhood, adolescence and ecosystems Elective (Education pathway) 3 2nd 1st
185422112 Health education on prevalent problems Elective (Education pathway) 3 2nd 1st
185422201 Internships PE (Management itinerary) 24 2nd 2nd
185422202 Master's thesis TFM (Management itinerary) 6 2nd 2nd
185422203 Internships PE (Education pathway) 24 2nd 2nd
185422204 Master's thesis TFM (Education itinerary) 6 2nd 2nd
185429101 Stress in the hospital setting Elective (Management itinerary) 6 2nd 1st
185429103 Psychosocial techniques for working with groups Elective (Management itinerary) 6 2nd 1st
185429104 Importance of the mother-child binomial and parenting in child health Elective (Education pathway) 6 2nd 1st
185429106 Therapeutic compliance Elective (Education pathway) 6 2nd 1st