Horizontal coordination will be carried out through the Course Committees, which will include all the teaching staff responsible for each subject taught in that course and the director/person to whom he/she delegates. A course tutor will be appointed from among the members of each committee who will be a member of the Degree Committee (vertical coordination). Each Course Committee must meet at the beginning and end of the semester, and at least once during the course of the semester. They must work based on the following scheme:
Vertical coordination will be carried out through the Degree Committee, which will be made up of the tutors of each course designated in the course committees and the director or person to whom he/she delegates. The Degree Committee must meet at the beginning and end of the semester and at least once during the course of the semester. It must work based on the following scheme:
In general, through each subject, the person responsible for teaching it will promote and establish mechanisms that tend to increase participation in all training activities. Among the measures that the centre will implement to achieve the objectives mentioned in the previous section, is the assignment of several areas of knowledge to the majority of the subjects, so that, if one of them systematically presents a behaviour contrary to this trend and/or has not implemented measures to achieve these objectives, the teaching will be assigned to another related area of knowledge. Likewise, teaching will be assigned to another related area when some area of knowledge does not actively participate in the coordination within the same subject, if it is shared, and between the different subjects of the Degree. This active participation implies attendance at more than 75% of the coordination meetings and the implementation of the agreements made and improvement actions established to remedy the deficiencies detected that will emanate from the CCC.
Degree Coordinator
Dionisio Pérez Brito (Deputy Director in charge) dperez@ull.es
Course Coordinator Staff
This is the point of reference for all subject coordinators of the same course and its main objective is to coordinate the teaching planning of the course.
Subject Coordinator Staff
He/she is responsible for the organisational aspects of the theoretical and practical groups of the subject. He/she is the point of reference for the management of any dysfunction that may occur during the course, bringing it to the attention of the Director of the Department and/or Deputy Director of Academic Planning.
You can consult the Coordinating Staff of each subject in the Teaching Guide.