Degree in Mechanical Engineering

Curriculum Structure

Distribution of the curriculum in ECTS credits, by type of subject

According to Art. 5 of RD 1125/2003, “the European credit is the unit of measurement of the academic credit that represents the amount of work done by the student to meet the objectives of the study program and that is obtained by passing each of the subjects that make up the study plans of the various courses leading to the obtaining of official university degrees valid throughout the national territory. This unit of measurement integrates the theoretical and practical teachings, as well as other directed academic activities, including the hours of study and work that the student must carry out to achieve the training objectives of each of the subjects of the corresponding study plan.” The distribution of the Study Plan is summarized in the following table:

Type of Subject Credits
Basic Training 60
Mandatory 144
Elective 12
Internships 12
Final Degree Project  12
Total Credits  240

Detailed description of the teaching-learning subjects that make up the curriculum

The distribution of subjects in courses and semesters is shown in the following table:

First quarter Second quarter
Subject Credits Subject Credits
First course
Physics I (FB) 9 Physics II (FB) 6
Graphic Expression and Computer Aided Design (FB) 6 Statistical Methods in Engineering (FB) 6
Computer Science (FB) 6 Calculus (FB) 6
Mathematical Foundations (FB) 9 Chemical Fundamentals in Engineering (FB) 6
Business Organization and Management (FB) 6
Second course
Fluid Mechanics Engineering (OB) 6 Industrial Automation and Control (OB) 6
Materials Science and Technology (OB) 6 Elasticity and Strength of Materials (OB) 6
Machine Mechanics (OB) 6 Thermal Engineering (OB) 6
Fundamentals of Electrical Engineering (OB) 6 Manufacturing Process Technology (MPT) 6
Project Organization and Management (OB) 6 Fundamentals of Electronic Engineering (OB) 6
Third course
Elasticity and Strength Enhancement of Materials (OB) 9 Machine Calculation and Design I (OB) 6
Theory of Industrial Structures and Constructions I (OB) 9 Materials Engineering (OB) 6
Hydraulic Machines and Installations (OB) 6 Thermal Engineering Extension (OB) 6
Mechanical Technology (OB) 6 Graphic Engineering (OB) 6
Elective I/II (Environmental Engineering / Mechanical Modeling of Structural Elements) (OP) 6
Fourth course
Thermal Installations 6 Theory of Industrial Structures and Constructions II (OB) 6
Thermal Engines (BO) 6 Machine Calculation and Design II 6
Technical Office/Projects (OB) 6 Elective III/IV (Industrial Pneumatics and Hydraulics / Machine Maintenance and Diagnosis) 6
External Internships (Annual) (PEX) 12
Final Degree Project (Annual) (TFG) 12
  • Type (Type of Subject, RD 1393/2007). FB: Basic Training. OB: Mandatory. OP: Optional. PEX: External Internships. TFG: Final Degree Project
  • Module (Order CIN/351/2009). DFB: Basic Training. CRI: Common to the Industrial Branch. TEM: Specific Technology: Mechanics. TFG: Final Degree Project