Degree in Mathematics

Final Degree Project

The curriculum for the Degree in Mathematics at the University of La Laguna has been set up with a total of 240 credits, distributed in 4 courses of 60 credits each, of which 12 belong to the Final Degree Project (TFG).

Learning outcomes:

Develop the learning skills necessary to undertake further studies in Mathematics with a high degree of autonomy. Plan the resolution of problems of a mathematical nature based on the tools available and the time and resource restrictions. Use bibliography and search tools for bibliographic resources in Mathematics, including online resources. Read and understand scientific texts both in their own language and in other languages of relevance in the scientific field, especially English. Know and use general computer resources and information and communications technologies as means of communication, organization, learning and research. Transmit mathematical information in public.

Brief description of the contents:

The Final Degree Project, through which students must demonstrate the acquisition of skills associated with the degree, will be carried out independently by the students, will be tutored by a professor and will culminate with the completion of a written thesis and a public presentation and defense of the same.

The content of the work will vary depending on the nature of the proposal made by the tutor. The TFG may be developed in departments, centres of the University of La Laguna or other universities, institutions or companies. If it is carried out in companies outside the university, there must be an agreement with them.

The specific content will depend on the work assigned to the students, except for the Scientific Text Processing module, common to all students:

Student application form

All information regarding the offer, deadlines and application calendar will be published in the virtual environment of the Final Degree Project subject.

Regulations for the subject “Final Degree Project” of the University of La Laguna (Approved at the Governing Council meeting of 2/12/2015 and Modified at the Governing Council meeting of 26/07/2024).

The Committee for the Degree in Mathematics, using as a reference the template prepared by the Faculty of Sciences for the adaptation of the ULL TFG Regulations to its degrees, agreed on the following document, which the TFG Committee updated to adapt to the successive modifications of the ULL Regulations:

Regulations for the Final Degree Project in Mathematics (Approved at the Section Meeting on 11/04/2016 and modified at the Section Meeting on 12/18/2024)