Master's Degree in Psychopedagogical Intervention in Formal and Non-Formal Education Contexts

Master's Degree in Psychopedagogical Intervention in Formal and Non-Formal Education Contexts

The Master's Degree in Psychopedagogical Intervention in Formal and Non-Formal Education Contexts offers advanced training, oriented towards academic and professional specialization. Its objective is to train competent education professionals in the psychopedagogical field to intervene in educational and professional guidance, in attention to diversity and specific educational needs, in advice on teaching and learning processes and their difficulties, the prevention of school failure, and advice to parents in educational work. Graduates of the Master's Degree will be professionals who will develop a preventive and formative (non-clinical) psychopedagogical action in the different services and programs that have been developed in formal and non-formal education contexts, supporting and advising institutions and the various groups of students, parents and teachers in achieving their goals.

General information

  • Specifically, it is about training education professionals who are competent in the psychopedagogical field to intervene in educational and professional guidance, in attention to diversity and specific educational needs, in advice on teaching and learning processes and their difficulties, prevention of school failure, advice to parents in educational work, etc. In addition, this Master's degree deepens knowledge related to the planning and management of psychopedagogical services, models of psychopedagogical guidance and evaluation and critical analysis of psychopedagogical intervention practices designed to improve teaching and learning processes."
  • The Master's Degree in Psychopedagogical Intervention in Formal and Non-Formal Education Contexts offers training aimed at academic and professional specialization. The justification for this degree is determined by the need to specialize professionals who develop preventive and formative (non-clinical) psychopedagogical interventions in the different services and programs that are being developed in formal and non-formal education contexts, supporting and advising institutions and the various groups of students, parents and teachers in achieving their goals.
  • Graduates of the following university degrees: Psychopedagogy, Pedagogy, Specialist Teacher, Speech Therapy, Psychology, Social Educator, Early Childhood Education and Primary Education"
  • On the other hand, in accordance with article 5 of Decree 168/2008, of July 22 (Official Gazette of the Canary Islands No. 154), students who request access to the master's degree must prove mastery of a foreign language, equivalent to level B1 of English of the Common European Framework of Reference for Languages."

You can consult the teaching staff who teach in the degree and their brief teaching, research and professional Curriculum Vitae through the following link:

In addition, linked to the teaching guides for each subject, you can also access the brief Curriculum Vitae of the responsible teaching staff:

  • Graduates of this Master's degree have the academic opportunity to complete a doctoral thesis, and professional opportunities to design projects that require a high level of pedagogical specialization."

The planning and mobility management resources provided by the University of La Laguna itself will be used.

You can find more information about mobility grants for students in university master's degrees at this calls page.

In addition, you can consult here information on scholarships from the Ministry of Education.

The University of La Laguna has mobility calls for postgraduate students, through its Vice-Rectorate for Internationalization:

General information

  • Specifically, it is about training education professionals who are competent in the psychopedagogical field to intervene in educational and professional guidance, in attention to diversity and specific educational needs, in advice on teaching and learning processes and their difficulties, prevention of school failure, advice to parents in educational work, etc. In addition, this Master's degree deepens knowledge related to the planning and management of psychopedagogical services, models of psychopedagogical guidance and evaluation and critical analysis of psychopedagogical intervention practices designed to improve teaching and learning processes."
  • The Master's Degree in Psychopedagogical Intervention in Formal and Non-Formal Education Contexts offers training aimed at academic and professional specialization. The justification for this degree is determined by the need to specialize professionals who develop preventive and formative (non-clinical) psychopedagogical interventions in the different services and programs that are being developed in formal and non-formal education contexts, supporting and advising institutions and the various groups of students, parents and teachers in achieving their goals.
  • Graduates of the following university degrees: Psychopedagogy, Pedagogy, Specialist Teacher, Speech Therapy, Psychology, Social Educator, Early Childhood Education and Primary Education"
  • On the other hand, in accordance with article 5 of Decree 168/2008, of July 22 (Official Gazette of the Canary Islands No. 154), students who request access to the master's degree must prove mastery of a foreign language, equivalent to level B1 of English of the Common European Framework of Reference for Languages."

You can consult the teaching staff who teach in the degree and their brief teaching, research and professional Curriculum Vitae through the following link:

In addition, linked to the teaching guides for each subject, you can also access the brief Curriculum Vitae of the responsible teaching staff:

  • Graduates of this Master's degree have the academic opportunity to complete a doctoral thesis, and professional opportunities to design projects that require a high level of pedagogical specialization."

The planning and mobility management resources provided by the University of La Laguna itself will be used.

You can find more information about mobility grants for students in university master's degrees at this calls page.

In addition, you can consult here information on scholarships from the Ministry of Education.

The University of La Laguna has mobility calls for postgraduate students, through its Vice-Rectorate for Internationalization: