e-ISSN: 0211-5913
DOI: 10.25145/j.recaesin

Current Issue

This issue introduces several essays which apply ecogothic as a theoretical framework to discuss literature and film. Scholars attempt to provide a state of the art in the evolution of the relationship between the human and the more than human in terms of fear. Thus, questions of alterity, climate emergency and the presence of the supernatural are explored in relationship with monstrosity and decolonial thinking advocating for a more posthuman attitude towards all Earth dwellers.
Full Issue
Since 1980, the journal Revista Canaria de Estudios Ingleses has published works related to the field of English studies. Each of the two volumes published per year contains an alternating monographic part devoted to a cultural, literary or linguistic topic and a miscellany part including other articles, interviews, and book notices. RCEI aims at publishing outstanding works promoting academic debate.