University Institute of Neuroscience


Alonso, M.A., Díez, E., & Fernández, A.(2020). A set of 750 words in Spanish characterized in two survival-related dimensions: avoiding death and locating nourishment, Behavior Research Methods,

Ardèvol-Abreu, A. &, Gil de Zuñiga, H.(2020). “Obstinate Partisanship”: Political Discussion Attributes Effects on the Development of Unconditional Party Loyalty. International Journal of Communication, 14,

Ardèvol-Abreu, A., Gil de Zuñiga, H., & Gámez, E.(2020). The influence of conspiracy beliefs on conventional and unconventional forms of political participation: the mediating role of political efficacy. British Journal of Social Psychology,58, 549-569.

Birba, A., Vitale, F., Padrón, I., Dottori, M., de Vega, M.,Zimerman, M., Sedeño, L., Ibañez, A., & García, A. Electrifying discourse: Anodal tDCS of the primary motor còrtex selectively reduces action appraisal in naturalístic narratives. Cortex, 132, 460-472.

Bermudez-Margaretto, B., Beltrán, D., Shtyrov., Dominguez, A., & Cuetos,F. (2020). Phonological and semàntic influence during the ortographic processin of novel visual word-forms. Brain Sciences, 10, 717-

Coburn, A., Vartanian, O., Kenett, Y.N., Nadal, M., Hartung, F., Hayn-Leichsenring, G., Navarrete, G., González-Mora, J.L. & Chatterjee, A. (2020). Psychological and neural response to architecural interios. Cortex, 126, 217-241,

De las Cuevas, C., Betancort, M., & De León, J.(2020). The necessity-concern framework in the assessment of treatment adherence of psychiatric patients and the role of polypharmacy in a Spanish sample. Human Psychopharmacology : Clinical and Experimental 35: e2721.

De las Cuevas, C., Mundal, I., Betancort, M., & Lara-Cabrera, M.L.(2020). Assessment of shared decisión-making in community mental health care: validation of the CollaboRATE. International Journal of Clinical and Health Psychology, 20, 262-270.

De las Cuevas C, de Leon J.(2020). Self-report for measuring and predicting medication adherence: experts’ experience in predicting adherence in stable psychiatric outpatients and in pharmacokinetics. Patient Preference and Adherence, 14: 1823–1842.

Alegre, O.M., & Villar, L.M.(2020). Exploring the emotional problems and mental health needs of elementary school children using cochlear implants of hearing aids in the Islas Canarias. Hearing, Balance and Communication, 18, 164-172.

De León, S.C., Jiménez, J.E., & Hernández-Cabrera, J.A. (2020). Confirmatory factor analysis of the indicators of basic early math skills. Current Psychology, 1-12.

De León, S.C., Jiménez, J.E., García, E., Gutiérrez, N., & Gil, V.(2020). Universal screening in mathematics for Spanish students in first grade. Learning disability quarterly,

De Leon J, Ruan CJ, Schoretsanitis G, De las Cuevas C. (2020). A Rational Use of Clozapine Based on Adverse Drug Reactions, Pharmacokinetics, and Clinical Pharmacopsychology. Psychotherapy and Psychosomatics, 89(4):200-214.

de Leon J, Sanz EJ, Norén GN, De las Cuevas C.(2020). Pneumonia may be more frequent and have more fatal outcomes with clozapine than with other second-generation antipsychotics. World Psychiatry 2020, 19(1): 120-1.

De Leon J, Sanz EJ, De las Cuevas C.(2020). Data from the World Health Organization’s pharmacovigilance database supports the prominent role of pneumonia in mortality associated with clozapine adverse drug reactions. Schizophrenia Bulletin , 46(1): 1-3.

Díez-Álamo, A.M., Glenberg, A.M., Díez, E., Alonso, M.A., & Fernández, A. (2020). The linguistic looming effect. Journal of Memory and Language, 114, 104-147.

Espino, O., & Byrne, R.M.J. (2020). How people keep track of what is real and what is imagined: The epistemic status of counterfactual alternatives to reality, Journal of Experimental Psychology: Learning, Memory and Cognition.

Espino, O., Byrne, R.M.J., & Johnson-Laird, P.N. (2020). Possibilities and the parallel meaning of factual and counterfactual conditionals. Memory & Cognition, 48, 1263-1280.

Espino, O., & Byrne, R.M.J. (2020). The suppression of inferences from counterfactual conditionals. Cognitive Science,

Fumero, A., Marrero, R.J., Bethencourt, J.M., & Peñate, W. (2020). Risk factors of internet gaming disorder symptoms in Spanish adolescents. Computers in Human Behavior, 111,

García-Poole, C., Byrne, S., & Rodrigo, M.J. (2020). Improving adolescent lifestyles by promoting socioemotional competences in a community-based intervention programme. European Journal of Developmental Psychology, 17, 965-983.

Gil, V., De León, S.C., & Jiménez, J.E. (2020). Universal screening for writing risk in Spanish-Speaking first graders. Reading & Writing Quarterly,

González-Mendez, R., Yagual, S.N., & Marrero, H.(2020). Attentional bias towards resilience-related words is related to post-traumatic growth and personality traïts. Personality and Individual Differences, 155,

Hernandez-Martin, E., Marcano, F., Modroño, C, Janssen, N., & Gonzalez-Mora, J.L. (2020). Diffuse optical tomography to measure fuctional changes during motor tasks: a motor imagery study. Biomedical Optic Express, 11, 6049-6067.

Hernandez-Martin, E., & Gonzalez-Mora, J.L. (2020). Diffuse Optical Tomography Using Bayesian Filtering in the Human Brain. Applied. Sciences. 10, 3399- 3409.

Janssen, N., van der Meij, M., López-Pérez. P.J., & Barber, H.A. (2020). Exploring the temporal Dynamics of speech production with EEG and group ICA. Scientific Report Nature 10:3667.

Jiménez, J.E., Gutierrez, N., & De León, S.C. (2020). Universal screening for prevention of reading, writing and math disabilities in Spanish. Journal of Visualized Experiments: Jove, 161,

Lara-Cabrera, M.L., Mundal, I.P., & De las Cuevas, C. (2020). Patient-reported well-being: psychometric properties of the world Health organiarion well-being index in specialised community mental health Settings. Psychiatry Research, 291,  113268

Lara-Cabrera ML, Bjørkly S, De las Cuevas C, Pedersen SE, Mundal IP. Psychometric properties of the Five-item World Health Organization Well-being Index used in mental health services: Protocol for a systematic review. Journal of Advanced Nursing 76:2426–2433.

León, I., Rodrigo, M.J., Quiñones, I., Hernández-Cabrera, J.A., & García-Pentón, L.(2020). Cortical Surface alteration in cingulate and frontal regulatory areas underlie insensitive mothering.

Liu, B., Gu, B., Beltrán, D., Wang, H., & de Vega, M.(2020). Presetting an inhibitory State modifies the neural processin of negated action senteces. An ERP study. Brain and Cognition, 143, 105598.

López-Madrona, V.J., Pérez-Montoyo, E., Álvarez-Salvado, E., Moratal, D., Herreras, O., Pereda, E., Mirasso, C.R., & Canal, S. (2020). Different theta frameworks coexist in the rat hippocampus and are coordinated during memory-guided and novelty tasks. eLife, 9e57313

Marrero, H., Yagual, S.N., García-Marco, E., Gámez, E., Beltrán, D., Díaz, J.M., & Urrutia, M. (2020). Enhancing memory for relationship actions by transcranial direct current stimulation of the superior temporal sulcus. Brain Sciences, 10, 497-513.

Marrero, H., Yagual, S.N., Gámez, E., Urrutia, M., Díaz, J.M., & Beltrán, D. (2020).  Negation interacts with motivational direction in understanding action sentences. PlosOne, 15(6)

Modroño C, Socas R, Hernández-Martín E, Plata-Bello, J., Marcano, F., Pérez-González, J.M & González-Mora, J.L.(2020). Neurofunctional correlates of eye to handmotor transfer.Hum Brain Mapp. 41, 1–13.

Mundal IP, Gråwe RW, Hafstad H, De las Cuevas C, Lara-Cabrera ML.(2020)  Effects of a peer co-facilitated educational programme for parents of children with ADHD: a feasibility randomised controlled trial protocol. BMJ Open  10 (12) e039852;

Ortega, J., Martín-Chinea, K., Gómez-González, J.F., & Pereda, E. (2020). Biometric person authentication using a wireless EEG Device. En Serrhini, M., Silva, C., Aljahdali, S. (Eds.). Innovation in information Systems and tecnologies to suport learning research. EMENA.ISTL 2019. Learning and Analytics in Intelligent Systems, vol.7. Springer, Cham.

Peñate, W., González-Loyola, M., & Oyanade, C.(2020). The Predictive Role of Affectivity, Self-Esteem and Social Support in Depression and Anxiety in Children and Adolescents. Environmental Research and Public Health, 17, 6984

Peñate, W., Rivero, F., Viña, C., Herrero, M., Betancort, M., De la Fuente, J., & Fumero, A. (2020). The equivalence between virtual and real feared stimuli in a phobic adult sample: a neuroimaging study. Journal of Clinical Medicine, 8, 2139,

Rodrigo, M.J., Muñeton-Ayala, M., & De Vega, M. (2020). Exploring the co-ocurrence of manual verbs and actions in early mother-child communication. Frontiers in Psychology,

Rodrigo, M. J., León, I., García-Pentón, L., Hernández-Cabrera, J. A., & Quiñones, I. (2020). Neglectful maternal caregiving involves altered brain volume in empathy-related areas. (este artículo está en 2019 y es de 2020)

Rodríguez-Pérez, A. (2020). Respect for community as a moral norm. International Journal of Social Psychology, 35, 625-630.

Romero, T., Vargas, C.A., Alonso, M.A., Diez, E., & Fernández, A. (2020). Absence of post-learning motor activity effects on memory for motor-related words. Memory,

Seoane, R.C., Jiménez, J.E., & Gutiérez, N.(2020). Pre-service teachers’ implícit teories of learning to write. European Journal of Teacher Education, 43, 165-190.

Sion, A., Bruña, R., Martínez, A., Domínguez, I., Torrado-Carvajal, A., Rubio, G., Pereda, E., & Jurado-Barba, R.(2020). Resting-state connectivity and network parameter analysis in alcohol-dependent males. A simultaneous EEG-MEG study. Journal of Neuroscience Research, 98,

Suárez, N., Jiménez, J.E., Sánchez, C.R.Teaching reading: A case study through mixed methods. Frontiers of Psychology, 11:1083

Vitale, F., Padrón, I., Avenanti, A., & de Vega, M.(2020). Enhancing motor brain activity improves memory for action Language: a tDCS study. Cerebral Cortex, bhaa309

Acosta, V., Hernández, S., & Ramirez, G. (2019). Effectiveness of a working memory intervention program in children with language disorders. Applied Neuropsychology: Child, 8, 15-23,

Afonso, O., & Álvarez, C. (2019). Constituent frequency effects in the written production of Spanish compound word. Memory & Cognition, 47, 1284-1296.

Afonso, O., Álvarez, C. J., Martínez, C., & Cuetos, F. (2019). Writing difficulties in Alzheimer’s disease and mild cognitive impairment. Reading and Writing: An Interdisciplinary Journal, 32(1), 217–233.

Alegre, O.M., & Villar, L.M.(2019). Análisis factorial de las actitudes de los niños de 6 a 16 años con dispositivos auditivos hacia la educación inclusiva. Aula Abierta, 48, 129-138.

Ardèvol-Abreu, A., Diehl, T., & Gil, H.(2019). Antecedents of internal political efficacy incidental news exposure online and the mediating role of political discussion. Politics,

Beltrán, D., Morera, Y., García-Marco, E., & de Vega, M. (2019). Brain Inhibitory Mechanisms Are Involved in the Processing of Sentential Negation, Regardless of Its Content. Evidence from EEG Theta and Beta Rhythms. Frontiers in Psychology, 10:1782

Bermúdez-Margaretto, B., Beltrán, D., Cuetos, F., & Domínguez, A. (2019). Novel Word learning: Event-related brain potentials reflect pure lexical and task-related effects. Frontiers in Human Neuroscience 13

Camara, C.,Subramaniyam, N.P., Warwick, K., Parkkonen, L.,Aziz, T., & Pereda, E. (2019). Non-Linear Dynamical Analysis of Resting Tremor for Demand-Driven Deep Brain Stimulation. Sensors19, 2507.

Camara,C., Warwick,K., Bruña,R., Aziz,T.,& Pereda, E.(2019).Closed-loop deep brain stimulation based on a stream-clustering System.Expert Systems with Applications,126, 187-199.

Castañeyra-Ruiz, L., Hernández-Abad, L., Carmona-Calero, E.M., Castañeyra-Perdomo, A., & González-Marrero, I. (2019). AQP1 overexpression in the CSF of obstructive hydrocephalus and inversion of its polarity in the choroid plexus of a chiari malformation type II case. Journal of Neuropathology and Experimental Neurology, 78, 641-647.

Canerina-Amaro, A., Pereda, D., Díaz, M., Rodriguez-Barreto, D., Casañas-Sánchez, V., Heffer, M., García-Esparcia, P., Ferrer, I., Puertas-Avedaño, R., & Marín, R.(2019). Differential Aggregation and Phosphorylation of Alpha Synuclein in Membrane Compartments Associated With Parkinson Disease. Frontiers in Neuroscience, 13:382.

Cedres, N., Machado, A., Molina, Y., Diaz-Galvan, P., Hernández-Cabrera, J.A., Barroso, J., Westman, E., & Ferreira, D. (2019). Subjective Cognitive Decline below and above the Age of 60: A Multivariate Study on Neuroimaging, Cognitive, Clinical, and Demographic Measures. Journal of Alzheimer’s Disease, 68(1), 295-309.

Comesaña, M., Moreira, A.J., Valente, D., Hernández-Cabrera, J.A., & Soares, A.P. (2019). List composition effect on cognate and non-cognate word acquisition in children. Linguistic Approaches to Bilingualism, 9(2), 289-313.

Dampuré, J., López-Pérez, P.J., & Barber, H.A. (2019). Meaning-based attentional guidance as a function of foveal and task-related cognitive loads. Language, Cognition and Neuroscience, 34, 1-12.

Del Pino-Sedeño, T., Peñate, W., De las Cuevas, C et. al, (2019). Effectivenes and cost-effectivenesss of a multicomponent intervention to improve medication adherence in people with depressive disorders- MAPDep: a study protocol for a cluster randomized controlled trial. Patient Preference and Adherence, 13, 309-319.

De Las Cuevas, C., & de Leon, J. (2020). Self-Report for Measuring and Predicting Medication Adherence: Experts’ Experience in Predicting Adherence in Stable Psychiatric Outpatients and in Pharmacokinetics. Patient preference and adherence14, 1823–1842.

De las Cuevas, C., Motuca, M., Baptista, T., Villasante-Tezanos, A.G., & De León. (2019). Etnopsychopharmacology study of patients’ beliefs regarding concerns about and necessity of taking psychiatric medications. Human Psychopharmacology: Clinical and Experimental, 34,

De León, J., Ruán, C.J., Schoretsanitis,G., & De las Cuevas, C. (2019). A rational use of clozapine based on adverse drug reactions, pharmacokinetics and clinical pharmacopspychology. Pyschoterapy and Psychosomatics, 89, 200-2014.

De Vega, M., Padrón, I., Moreno, I.Z., García-Marco, E., Domínguez, A., Marrero, H., & Hernández-Expósito, S. (2019). Both the Mirror and the Affordance Systems might be Impaired in Adults with high Autistic Traits. Evidence from EEG Mu and Beta Rhythms. Autism Research, 12,   1032-1042.

Díaz M, Luis-Amaro AC, Rodriguez Barreto D, Casañas-Sánchez V, Pérez JA and Marin R (2019) Lipostatic Mechanisms Preserving Cerebellar Lipids in MPTP-Treated Mice: Focus on Membrane Microdomains and Lipid-Related Gene Expression. Front. Mol. Neurosci. 12:93.

Díaz, M., Luis-Amaro, A.C., Rodríguez, D., Casañas-Sánchez, V., Pérez, J.A., & Marín, R. (2019). Lipostatic mechanisms preservin cerebellar lípids in MPTP-Treated Mice: Focus on membrane microdomains and lípid- related gene expression. Frontiers in Molecular Neuroscience, 12:93.

Díez-Álamo, A.M., Díez, E., Alonso, M.A., & Fernández, A.(2019). Absence of posture-dependent and posture-congruent memory effect on the recall of action sentences. PLos ONE

Diehl,T., Ardèvol-Abreu,A., & Gil de Zúñiga,H. (2019) How Engagement with Journalists on Twitter Reduces Public Perceptions of Media Bias, Journalism Practice, 13:8, 971-975,

Dimitriadis SI, López ME, Maestu F & Pereda E (2019) Modeling the Switching Behavior of Functional Connectivity Microstates (FCµstates) as a Novel Biomarker for Mild Cognitive Impairment. Front. Neurosci. 13:542.

Fernández-Álvarez, J,…Peñate,W…et al,(2019). Deterioration rates in virtual reality therapy: an individual patient data level meta-analysis. Journal of Anxiety Disorders, 61, 3-17.

Galtier, I., Nieto, A., Lorenzo, J.N., & Barroso, J. (2019). Subjetive cognitive decline and progression to dementia in Parkinson’s disease: a long-term follow-up study. Journal of Neurology, 266, 745-754.

García-Marco, E., Morera, Y., Beltrán, D., De Vega, M., Herrera, E., Sedeño, A., Ibañez, A., & García, A.M. Negation markers inhibit motor routines during typing of manual action verbs. Cognition, 286-293. pdf

Gil de Zuñiga , H., Ardèvol-Abreu, A., & Casero-Ripolles, A.(2019). WhatsApp political discussion, conventional participation and activism: explorin direct, indirect and generational effect. Information, Communication & Society,

Gonzalez-Burgos, L., Hernández-Cabrera, J.A., Westman, E., Barroso, J., & Ferreira, D. (2019). Cognitive compensatory mechanisms in normal aging: A study on verbal fluency and the contribution of other cognitive functions. Aging, 11(12), 4090-4106.

González-Méndez, R., Yagual, S.N., & Marrero, H. (2019). Attentional bias towards resilience-related words is related to post-traumatic growth and personality traïts. Personality and Individual Differences, 155, 109715

Hernandez-Martin,E., Marcano,F., Modroño-Pascual, C., Casanova-González,O., Plata-Bello,J., & González-Mora,J.L.(2019). Is it possible to measure hemodynamic changes in the prefrontal cortex through the frontal sinus using continuous wave DOT systems? Biomedical optics express, 10, 817-837.

Herrero-Roldán, S., Byrne, S., Rodrigo, M. J., Hernández-Cabrera, J. A., & León, I. (2019). Sesgos en la evaluación del llanto infantil en la negligencia materna: el papel de la alexitimia. Revista de estudios e investigación en psicología y educación6(1), 24-36.

Hughes, L. E., Henson, R. N., Pereda, E., Bruña, R., López-Sanz, D., Quinn, A. J., Woolrich, M. W., Nobre, A. C., Rowe, J. B., Maestú, F., & BioFIND Working Group (2019). Biomagnetic biomarkers for dementia: A pilot multicentre study with a recommended methodological framework for magnetoencephalography. Alzheimer’s & dementia (Amsterdam, Netherlands)11, 450–462.

Jimenez, J.E., Hernández-Cabrera, J.A.(2019). Transcription skills and written composition in Spanish beginning writers: pen and keyboard modes. Reading and Writing, 32, 1847-1879.

León, I., Rodrigo, M. J., El-Deredy, W., Modroño, C., Hernández-Cabrera, J. A., & Quiñones, I. (2019). Limbic-visual attenuation to crying faces underlies neglectful mothering. Scientific reports, 9(1), 6373. pdf

Lederman, J., Lederman, N., Bartels, S., Jimenez, J.E., et al. (2019). An international collaborative investigation of beginning seventh grade students’ understandings of scientific inquiry: Establishing a baseline. Journal of Research in Science Teaching, 56,

Liu, B., Wang, H., Beltrán, D., & de Vega, M.(2019). The generalizability of inhibition-related processes in the comprehension of linguistic negation. ERP evidence from the Mandarin language. Language Cognition and Neuroscience, 35, 1-11-

López, M.E., Pusil, S., Pereda, E.,Maestú, F., & Barceló, F.(2019). Dynamic low frecuency EEG phase synchronization patterns during proactive control of task switching. Neuroimage70-82pdf

López-Madrona, V.J., Matias, F.S., Mirasso, C.R., Canals, S., & Pereda, E. (2019). Inferring correlations associated to causal interactions in brain signals using autoregressive models. Scientific reports, 9 17041,

Marrero, H., Gámez, E., Urrutia, M., Beltrán, D., Díaz, J.M., & Yagual, S.N. (2019). Brain Encoding of social approach: is it associated with spatial ability? Frontiers in Behavioral Neuroscience, 13:179

Marrero-Quevedo, R.J., Blanco-Hernández, P.J., & Hernández-Cabrera, J.A. (2019). Adult Attachment and Psychological Well-Being: The Mediating Role of Personality. Journal of Adult Development, 26(1), 41-56.

Mesa-Herrera, F., Taoro-González, L., Valdés-Baizabal, C., Díaz, M., & Marín, R. (2019). Lipid and lipid raft alteration in aging and neurodegenerative diseases: a window for the development of new biomarkers. International Journal of Molecular Sciences, 20, 3810.

Modroño, C., Navarrete, G., Nicolle, A., González-Mora, J.L., Smith, K.W., Marling, M., & Goel, V. (2019). Developmental grey matter changes in superior parietal cortex accompany improved transitive reasoning. Thinking and Reasonig, 25, 151-170.

Morera, Y., van der Meij, M., de Vega, M., & Barber, H.A. (2019). Are sensory –motor relationships encoded ad hoc or by default?: An ERP study data. Frontiers in Psychology, 10:966

Morera, Y., Van der Meij,M., De Vega, M., & Barber, H.(2019). Are sensory-motor relationships encoded ad hoc or by default?: an ERP study. Frontiers in Psychology, 966.

Orenes, I., García, J.A., Gómez, I., Espino, O., & Byrne, R.M.J.(2019). The comprehension of counterfactual conditionals: evidence from eye-tracking in the visual world paradigma. Frontiers of Psychology, 10:1172

Paracampo, R., Montemurro, M., De Vega., & Avenanti, A. (2018). Primary motor cortex crucial for action prediction: a tDCS study. Cortex, 287-302. pdf

Peñate, W., Rivero, F., Viña, C., Herrrero, M., Betancort, M., De la Fuente, J., Álvarez-Pñerez, Y., & Fumero, A. (2019). The equivalence between virtual and real feared stimuli in a phobic adult sample: a neuroimaging study, 8, 2139.

Plata Bello J, García-Peña C, Modroño C, Hernández-Martín E, Pérez-Martín Y, Marcano F, et al. (2019) Visual inputs decrease brain activity in frontal areas during silent lipreading. PLoS ONE 14(10): e0223782.

Plata-Bello, J., Plata-Bello, A., Pérez-Martín, Y., Fajardo, V., & Concepción-Massip, T. (2019). Androgen deprivation therapy increases brain ageing. Aging11(15), 5613–5627.

Pusil, S., López, M.E., Cuesta, P., Bruña, R., Pereda, E., & Maestú, F. (2019). Hypersynchronization in mild cognitive impairment: the “X” model. Brain , 142, 3936-3950,

Rabovsky M, Conrad M, Álvarez CJ, Paschke-Goldt J, Sommer W (2019) Attentional modulation of orthographic neighborhood effects during reading: Evidence from event-related brain potentials in a psychological refractory period paradigm. PLOS ONE 14(1): e0199084.

Ramirez-Santana, G., Acosta-Rodriguez, V., & Hernández-Expósito, S. (2019). A comparative study of Language phenotypes in Autism spectrum disorder and specific Language impairment. Psicothema, 31, 437-442.

Rodrigo, M. J., León, I., García-Pentón, L., Hernández-Cabrera, J. A., & Quiñones, I. (2019). Neglectful maternal caregiving involves altered brain volume in empathy-related areas. Development and Psychopathology, 1–10. pdf

Rubio, B., & Hernández-Expósito, S.(2019). Differential long-term medicatio impact on executive function and delay aversion in ADHD. Applied Neuropsycholobiology: Child, 8, 140-157.

Salazar, P., Martín, M., & González-Mora, J.L.(2019). In situ electrodeposition of colesterol oxidase-modified polydopamine thin film on nanostructured screeen printed elèctrodes for free colesterol disemination. Journal of Electroanalytical chemistry, 837, 191-199.

Salazar, P., Martín, M., & González-Mora, J.L.(2019). Enzymatic biosensor for in vivo Applications. Material Research Foundations, 47, 289-315

Santana-Vega, L.E., Gómez-Muñoz, A.M., & Feliciano-García, L.(2019). Uso problemático del móvil, fòbia a sentirse excluido y comunicación familiar de los adolescentes. Comunicar, 59,

Serrano-Sánchez, J.A., Fernández-Rodriguez, M.J., Sanchis-Moysi, J., Rodriguez-Pérez, M.C., Marcelino, I., & Cabrera de León, A.,(2019). Domain and intensity of physical activity are associated with metabolic syndrome: A population base study. PLoS ONE 14(7):e0219798

Shauenburg, G., Conrad, M., von Scheve, C., Barber, H.A, Ambrasat, J., Aryani, A., & Schröder, T. (2019). Making sense of social interaction: emotional coherence drives semàntic Integration as assessed by event-related potentials. Neuropsychologia, 125, 1-13.

Soares, A.P., Lages, A., Oliveira, H., & Hernández-Cabrera, J.A. (2019). The mirror reflects more for d than for b: right asymetry bias on the visual recognition of words conaining reversal letters. Journal of Experimental Child Psychology, 182, 18-37.

Sosa, C.D., Capafons, J.I., Pérez-Correa, S.M., Hernández-Zamora, G.L., Capafons, J.I., & Prieto, P.(2019). El uso de las nuevas tecnologies en jóvenes: un estudio con población canaria. Revista Española de drogodependències, 44, 26-42.

Torrealba, E., Garcia-Morales, P., Cejudo, J. C., Diaz, M., Rodriguez-Esparragon, F., Fabre, O., Mesa-Herrera, F., Marin, R., Sanchez-Garcia, F., Rodriguez-Perez, A., & Gramunt, N. (2019). In-Out-Test: A New Paradigm for Sorting the Wheat from the Chaff in Prodromal Alzheimer’s Disease. Journal of Alzheimer’s disease : JAD67(1), 265–277.

Wang, H., Li, J., Wang, X., Jiang, M., Cong, F., & De Vega, M. (2019). Embodiment effect on the comprehension of Mandarin manual action language: an ERP study, Journal of Psycholinguistic Research, 1-16. pd

Alonso, M., Díez, E., Díez-Alamo, A., & Fernandez, A. (2018). Body–object interaction ratings for 750 Spanish words. Applied Psycholinguistics, 39(6), 1239-1252.

Ardèvol-Abreu, A., Diehl, T., & Gil de Zuñiga, H.(2018). Building social capital. How the news and the strength of the ties in the political discussion foster reciprocity. Revista internacional de sociología, 76, e083

Ardèvol-Abreu, A., Hooker, C.M., & Gil de Zuñiga, H.(2018).Online news creation, trust in the media, and political participation: Direct and moderating effects over time. Journalism, 19, 611-631.

Aryani, A., Conrad, M., Schmidtke, D., & Jacobs, A. (2018). Why ‘piss’ is ruder than ‘pee’? The role of sound in affective meaning making. PloS one13(6), e0198430.

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