Flipped Classroom: an experience with university students

  • Rocío Díaz Muñoz Universidad de Málaga
  • Sergio Estévez Rojas
Keywords: Flipped Classroom, skills, collaboration, satisfaction, efficient learning


This document develops an experience based on the Flipped Classroom system with 110 undergraduate students. Their opinions, perceptions and assessment on their satisfaction with this method, compared to the traditional system, have been collected. The core idea is to contribute to know which are the results of the application of a Flipped Classroom model in some university subjects, so that data can be collected on the perceptions and opinions of the main protagonists of learning: the students. This is observed within a framework of continuous improvement that allows students to evaluate a proposal of Flipped Classroom related to what they are used to and can be called traditional teaching.


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How to Cite
Díaz Muñoz, R., & Estévez Rojas, S. (2021). Flipped Classroom: an experience with university students. QURRICULUM - Revista De Teoría, Investigación Y Práctica Educativa, (34), 95-107. https://doi.org/10.25145/j.qurricul.2021.34.07