Below are the main results of the degree related to academic performance, main indicators, interest group satisfaction and job placement. These results are periodically analysed by the centre/degree managers and their quality committees, and their progress is monitored for continuous improvement.
Data extracted from the ULL information system and expected results of the degree verification/modification report.
The SAIC has specific procedures to collect the satisfaction of the different groups that participate in the degrees, and their implementation is structured at an institutional level. The Technical Quality Unit, in collaboration with the centres/degrees and other agents involved, is responsible for the management, planning and comprehensive application of the satisfaction surveys that respond to the institutional evaluation and quality programmes (ACREDITA, AUDIT, DOCENTIA…). Satisfaction survey campaigns for the different interest groups (students, teachers, graduates, external tutors -potential employers-, etc.) are applied periodically and systematically.
(*) NOTE: Satisfaction results are presented if 5 or more responses were obtained per course.
Data extracted from the ULL information system.
The main instruments that the university uses to collect data on the labour insertion of graduates are the quantitative values corresponding to the analysis of the labour insertion data obtained from the study of the affiliations to the different regimes of Social Security and the General Mutual Fund for Civil Servants of the State (MUFACE), which is completed with data from the register of inhabitants and the ULL enrolment database.
The job placement results can be consulted below:
Programs related to career guidance, he entrepreneurship and the job insertion (Job offers, scholarships, etc.) can be consulted on the website of the General Foundation of the University of La Laguna: