Master's Degree in Philosophy Research

Admission and graduation profile

Admission profile

The admission profile is the knowledge, skills and abilities of the students who access the degree.

The Master's degree will also allow access to graduates who meet the requirements of Article 16 of RD 1393/2007 and who also have the required B1 level of English.

The Master's Degree in Philosophy Research is aimed at:

1. Graduates and Licentiates in Philosophy.

2. Graduates and Licentiates in the area of social sciences, philology and humanities.

3. Other graduates or holders of degrees from diverse backgrounds with qualifications equivalent to or higher than the degree.

For admission profiles 2 and 3, the Academic Committee will study the formative coherence of the (non-philosophical) studies undertaken, which, depending on the Master's Specialisation chosen, may reorient the chosen training paths. This reorientation is not mandatory but rather indicative, given that training supplements are not required for access to the Master's.

Graduation profile

The graduate profile is the skills, knowledge and abilities that the student must have acquired upon completion of the degree. This information is included in the section on competencies/learning outcomes defined for the title.

The graduate of this master's degree will therefore be a graduate with specialized and advanced training with professional capacity and qualification.

Graduates of this Master's degree have academic opportunities, on the one hand, by completing a doctoral thesis, and professional opportunities, such as teaching and research in multidisciplinary fields, such as departments of computing, logic and philosophy of science.