Competencies are the set of knowledge, skills and attitudes to be acquired by students throughout the degree, aimed at preparing them for the exercise of professional activities.
They refer to the Dublin Descriptors and are as follows:
– To know the most important concepts, methods and results of the different branches of Biology, as well as a historical perspective of its development.
– Collect and interpret relevant data, information and results, draw conclusions and issue reasoned reports on scientific, technological or other problems that require the use of biological tools.
– Apply both the theoretical and practical knowledge acquired and the capacity for analysis and abstraction in the definition and formulation of problems and in the search for their solutions in both academic and professional contexts.
– Communicate, both in writing and orally, knowledge, procedures, results and ideas in Biology to both specialized and non-specialized audiences.
– Study and learn independently, organizing time and resources, new knowledge and techniques in any scientific or technological discipline.
These are the skills directly related to the Degree and represent the basis of the Bachelor's Degree in Biology. These skills have been taken from the White Paper on the Bachelor's Degree in Biology.
What a biology graduate should know:
What should a biology graduate know how to do:
Transferable to a multitude of functions and tasks. This includes both instrumental and interpersonal skills, as well as systemic skills.