Other Activities
February 11th, 2022
- From the Institute of Women’s Studies of the University of La Laguna we want to play a part and make women researchers who contribute to science with a gender perspective visible on February 11th, the International Day of Women and Girls in Science. This is why we invite everyone to participate in a virtual female editathon to edit the biographies of those women scientists who had a gender perspective. It has been organized with the support of the Library of the University of La Laguna and in collaboration with the Spanish Wikimedia.
In order to widen the information you can click on *this link*.
1st Workshop of women and economy
November 5th, 2020
The Economy, Business and Tourism Department of the University of La Laguna celebrates from November 20th to December 11th, 2020, the 1st WORKSHOP OF WOMEN AND ECONOMY, in collaboration with the University Institute of Women’s Studies. As it could not be celebrated last March due to the declaration of the alert state, it will take place this academic year virtually.
You can participate in the different acts of the
You can participate in the different acts of the attached program through the following link:
In the opening act, that takes place on November 20th at 9:30 AM, the lecturer Amalia Carrasco Gallego (US) will present the exhibition “The economy is not just a male thing”. The physical exhibition, which comes from the University of Seville and is placed on the first floor of the Economy, Business and Tourism Department, will be displayed throughout the entire program period. Its objective is to make every economist women who has contributed significantly to economic knowledge visible. It presents the biography of 15 relevant women in Economy, of which notes have been composed by the teachers of the University of Seville:
Jane Marcet – Harriet Taylor Mill – Mary Harris Smith – Mary Palley Marshall – Beatrice Webb – Clara Elisabeth Collet – Rosa Luxemburgo – Edith Abbott – Elisabeth Schumpeter – Joan Robinson – Rose D. Friedman – Edith Penrose – Anna Schwartz – Elinor Ostrom – Janet Louise Yellen
Mujeres stem en tiempos de crisis: la quinta edición de women techmakers Tenerife se celebra el 3 de abril
Women Techmakers es una iniciativa internacional liderada por Google con el objetivo de promover y dar visibilidad a las mujeres en tecnología. Este año, en Tenerife, tendrá lugar el viernes, 3 de abril de 2020, celebrando así su quinta edición, en formato online, vía YouTube, a partir de las 18.00 horas, en el canal Women Techmakers Tenerife.
El objetivo de este proyecto se centrará no solo en la necesidad de incrementar el número de mujeres en STEM, esto es, ciencia, tecnología, ingeniería y matemáticas, sino también en la gran utilidad del correcto uso y desarrollo de las tecnologías en tiempos difíciles como los que corren.
De esta manera, en torno al evento Women Techmakers Tenerife se reunirán 10 ponentes, mujeres vinculadas a las áreas de la ingeniería, las matemáticas, la divulgación científica y la ciencia. El formato del encuentro consistirá en una ronda de ponencias y en un debate final Pueden encontrarse todos los detalles en la web https://cryptull.webs.ull.es/WTMTenerife2020
Las ponentes de esta edición serán: Cristina Aranda, doctora en Lingüística Teórica y Aplicada y directora del módulo de Data in Real Life del Master Data Analytics del Instituto Superior para el Desarrollo de Internet y líder de Mujeres Tech; la arquitecta Sara Alvarellos, fundadora de Makespace Madrid y cofundadora de Mujeres Tech; Alicia García Holgado, doctora en Educación en la Sociedad del Conocimiento y miembro del grupo de Investigación GRIAL de la Universidad de Salamanca; Sofía Ramos González, periodista y alumna de posgrado en Comunicación Social de la Investigación Científica; Holy Sunya Kaas-Nielsen, licenciada en Comunicación Audiovisual por la Universidad Complutense de Madrid y profesora de la Universidad Tech; Yanira González, doctora en Informática, técnico en el área de Desarrollo del Hospital Universitario de Canarias; y Cristina Santana, ingeniera técnica en Informática de Gestión por la Universidad de Las Palmas de Gran Canaria. Las representantes de la Universidad de La Laguna serán: Pino Caballero Gil, catedrática en Ciencias de la Computación e Inteligencia Artificial; Jezabel Molina Gil, doctora en Informática e investigadora en el grupo de Criptología de la Universidad de La Laguna (CryptULL); Carina González, catedrática de Arquitectura y Tecnología de Computadores en el Departamento de Ingeniería Informática y de Sistemas de la Universidad de La Laguna y directora del Aula de Cultura Digital Interactiva de la ULL; y Alba Cruz Torres, estudiante del grado de Ingeniería Informática de la Universidad de La Laguna y programadora Full Stack (Escuela de Organización Industrial). Además, participarán en el debate Andrés Leonardo Martínez, miembro del equipo de Ingeniería de Google, líder del programa Google Cloud Ecosystem en Europa; y Andreu Ibáñez, coordinador de los Laboratorios TIC del Parque Científico de Lleida y presidente y fundador de Lleida Drone.
Women Techmakers Tenerife es una iniciativa organizada por la Universidad de La Laguna (ULL), el Grupo de Investigación de Criptología (ULL) y GDG Tenerife, en colaboración con el Aula de Cultura Digital Interactiva (ULL), el Instituto Universitario de Estudios de las Mujeres (ULL), Cienci@ULL, Coronavirus Makers, MTech, Tech&Ladies, la Fundación General de la Universidad de La Laguna, Kreitek y la Cátedra Institucional en Ciberseguridad Binter (ULL).
Más información en womentechmakerstenerife@gmail.com y @WTM_Tenerife
Seminar: uses of memory, gender, and borders
September 18th, 2018
- Training seminar on participative research methodology with gender perspective: Uses of Memory, Gender, and Borders *Online registration*
Talking with Leticia Sabsay
November 3rd, 2017
- Talking with Leticia Sabsay (London School of Economics, Dpt. Gender Studies). November 9th, 12 AM. Salón de Grados, Philosophy Department.
41st aedean conference
November 2nd, 2017
- For further information about this seminar, check its *website*
Screening of the documentary “Top Secret Rosies”. The female computers of World War II
March 6th, 2017
Place: Paraninfo. Central Building of the University of La Laguna
Date: Thursday, March 16th, 2017
Time: 7 PM
The University Institute of Women’s Studies of the University of La Laguna brings to the Paraninfo hall the documentary screening «Top Secret Rosies. The Female computers of World War II«, filmed in 2010 and directed by LeAnn Erickson.
The film is focused on recognizing the contribution of these women during World War II, serving as human computers, six of whom moved to program one of the first computers ever, the ENIAC. Their work helped the United States to improve the precision of the arms as well as most of the ballistics analysis that were carried out.
The screening will be in the original version with Spanish subtitles. This work has been accomplished by the University Institute of Women’s Studies and the ULL Media with funding from the Equality Institute of the Canary Islands
Free entry
Sands of Silence: waves of courage
January 19th, 2017
Sands of Silence: Waves of Courage is a personal documentary about a filmmaker who, inspired by the transformation of the sex-trafficking survivors whose lives she is documenting, finds the courage to break the silence about sexual abuse in her own life.
Creator: Chelo Alvarez-Stehle
Documentary Filmmaker and New Media Producer
innerLENS Productions
- Awards and distinctions:
- 2017 Second Winner “fada” Cultural Award – Vicki Bernadet Foundation, Barcelona, Spain
- 2016 Best Documentary Malibu International Film Festival, California
- 2016 Audience Choice Award Malibu International Film Festival, California
- 2016 Best Documentary Feature Audience Award – Awareness Film Festival, Los Angeles
- 2016 First Prize Asserting Women’s Rights – Malaga Film Festival, SpaYou can visit the *documentary’s official website*
- For further information, click on *this link*
University on discussion
October 31st, 2016
- The IUEM collaborates with the Chair Pedro García Cabrera at the organization of University on Discussion. Register and join us. More information at: http://catedrapedrogarciacabrera.wordpress.com/
- Check the full-sized poster clicking on *this link*
The incorporation of gender perspective to knowledge and investigation
July 12th, 2016
- For further information, click on *this link* *this link*
Barriers, breaches, and inequality. Gender, knowledge, and politics
July 1st, 2016
- For further information, you can visit the event website clicking on *this link*
Immigrant female voices contributing to dignity and equality
June 3rd, 2016
- Download the information clicking on *this link*
The South Borders. Vulnerability, gender, and intersectional approach. International symposium. Call for papers
March 17th, 2016
- Proposals (300 words) accepted until May 15th, 2016: fronterasdelsur@iuem-ull.org
- Download the information clicking on *this link*
The IUEM joins the Fine Arts section of the Humanities Department. Elena Corchero’s talk about the future of the wearable
February 18th, 2016
- Download the program clicking on *this link*
The IUEM joins the English and German Philology department on the Language and Culture Seminar.
February 18th, 2016.
- Extend the information about this event clicking on *this link*
Posthumanism. The new concept of being human in the technoscientific era
November 9th, 2015.
From 04-11-2015 to 11-11-2015.
Salón de Grados. Aulario de Guajara, Guajara Campus’ Aulario.
Organized by María Inmaculada Perdomo Reyes.
Conferences and public debate journeys, organized by the cathedra Pedro García Cabrera with the collaboration of different entities (Fundación Pedro García Cabrera, CIBICAN, Humanities’ Faculty ULL, University Institute of Women’s Studies IUEM, Ateneo de La Laguna, and TEA, Tenerife Espacio de las Artes)
1 Credit ECTS, official offer. You can get enrolled in the FGULL website: *fg.ull.es/A15030439*
- Director: Inmaculada Perdomo Reyes, *mperdomo@ull.es*.
- Assistant manager: Rafael Alonso Solís.
- Coordinator: Rosario Hernández Borges, *roherbo@ull.es*.
- More information: *Website*.
Journeys about Scientific and technological Women
April 21st, 2015.
- Download the program clicking on *this link*
South-Asian Cultures and Literatures Seminar
February 11th, 2015.
The IUEM joins the English and German Philology Department in the South-Asian Cultures and Literatures Seminar.
Doctor Priyamvada Gopal, from Cambridge University, will impart a conference titled “South-Asian Women Writers: A Historical Overview” on February 24th.
Academic Journeys: Gender and Human Rights in Africa
October 14th, 2014.
- To download the informative flier, click *this link*.
Reproductive Rights and Women Citizenship. Feminist Research. Cairo+20
September 9th, 2014
- Reproductive Rights and Women Citizenship. Feminist Research. Cairo+20.
Course: Gender, Language, and Mass Media
September 16th, 2013.
This course is to be celebrated through the months of September and October of 2013 in the Salón de Actos of the Information Sciences Faculty (Guajara Campus, La Laguna University), from 16:30 to 20:30.
Duration: 20 hours (2 credits).
Price: 10 Euros.
Inscription and enrollment: sede.fg.uu.es
Course: Gender, Human Rights, and Migrations. Injustices and structural violence
May 29th, 2013.
We intend this course to not only help propose debates about the violences on international migratory processes, but also to understand that new intervention and visualization formulas of the feminine migrations to social and familiar structures should be established, in order to establish innovation formulas to increase people’s living conditions and to accomplish human rights from a scientific and multidisciplinary area of knowledge.
Director of the course: Doctor María José Guerra Palmero. History and Philosophy Department.
- Dates: From July 15h, 2013 to July 19th, 2013.
- Enrollment period: From May 14th, 2013 to July 10th, 2013.
- Duration of the course: 20 hours.
- Place: Adeje.
- Number of people allowed: 80 people.
- Credits: 2 CLE (20 face-to-face hours) or 2 ECTS (20 face-to-face hours + 30 autonomous working hours).
More information and enrollment in the *Adeje’s Summer University website*.
Women and Science. 13 names to change the world
December 13th, 2012.
La Laguna University (ULL) brings the itinerant exhibition “Women and Science. 13 names to change the world”, created by the Cathedra Tomás Pascual Sanz – Human Evolution Research National Center (CENIEH), and funded by the Spanish Science and Technology Foundation (FECyT), to the History and Anthropology Museum Casa Lercaro of Tenerife’s Cabildo. The exhibition shows the research job and solidarity of female scientists whose vocation for knowledge aimed their work, which is now seen as a human product and done for humanity.
You will be able to visit the exhibition from December 19th, 2012 to January 29th, 2013. (Tuesday to Saturday: 9:00-20:00. Sunday and Monday: 10:00-17:00)
Download the whole program for the exhibition clicking *this link*.
Journeys: Gender, Migrations, and Human Rights
October 13th, 2012.
The project <<I+D Justice, Citizenship, and Gender. Feminization of Migrations and Human Rights>> invites you to the Journeys <<Gender, Migrations, and Human Rights>>, which will take place on December 14th and 17th of 2012.
- Friday, December 14th, 2012.
10:00 A.M: Emigration, crisis and Human Rights.
Gabriel Bello Reguera. ULL.
12:00 P.M: Citizenship and women body. Borderlines of insecurity and violence.
Inés Castro Apreza. Chiapas Arts and Science University. Mexico.
- Monday, December 17th, 2012.
10:00 A.M: Cultural and Linguistic Barriers and Gender-Based Violence.
Carmen Toledano Buendía. ULL.
10:40 A.M: Foreign Victims, Linguistic Barriers and Procedural Guarantee.
Alicia González Navarro. ULL.
12:00 P.M: Round Table: “Foreign Women, Gender-Based Violence, and Fundamental Rights.”
16:00 P.M: Unaccompanied Minors, Human Rights, and Gender.
Esther Torrado Martín-Palomino. ULL.
17:00 P.M: Unaccompanied Migrant Minors: Legal Issues and Challenges inside the Estado Autonómico. Vicente Navarro Marchante. ULL.
19:00 P.M: Round Table. Gender, Migrations, and Human Rights. Interdisciplinary Perspectives, and Research Lines.
More information: *dserrano@ull.es*.
- Download the Journeys’ poster clicking *this link*
II Feminist Research and Gender Analysis Journey. Progress and Approaches
October 1st, 2012.
The University Institute of Women’s Studies of La Laguna University invites you to the “II Feminist Research and Gender Analysis Journey. Progress and Approaches”, which will take place on October 8th and 9th of 2012.
Scientific Committee:
President: María José Guerra Palmero (ULL)
Secretary: María José Chivite de León (ULL)
Gabriel Bello Reguera (ULL)
Antonio Canales Serrano (ULL)
Inés Castro Apreza (Science and Arts University of Chiapas)
Ana de Miguel Álvarez (Rey Juan Carlos University of Madrid)
Isabel González Díaz (ULL)
Amparo Gómez Rodríguez (ULL)
María Eugenia Monzón Perdomo (ULL)
Matilde Martín González (ULL)
Inmaculada Perdomo Reyes (ULL)
María del Mar Pérez Gil (ULPGC)
Ana Puy Rodríguez (ULL)
Rodrigo Fidel Rodríguez Borges (ULL)
Cristina Sánchez Muñoz (UAM)
Lola Serrano-Niza (ULL)
Alicia Puleo García (UVA)
Organizing Committee:
President: Margarita Santana de la Cruz (ULL)
Secretary: Yasmina Romero Morales (ULL)
Yasmina Álvarez González (ULL)
Anisa Azaovagh de la Rosa (ULL)
María Aranzazu Robles Santana (ULL)
Amparo Romero Sánchez (ULL)
María José Tacoronte Domínguez (ULL)
Workshop “How to Incorporate Gender Perspective on Research”
September 18th, 2012
Speakers: Sandra Dema and Capitolina Díaz (Oviedo University).
Face-to-face Sessions: September 27th and 28th, 09:00-14:00 hr.
Place: Education Faculty, module B, B1-1-05 classroom (Central Campus).
Aimed to: Professorate, research personnel or scholars, and the ULL student body.
Inscription: Free, limited places. You should apply for it in *iueminscripcion@gmail.com*, before September 21st.
Objective: The main sexist turns seen in the research field will be presented, as well as the effect that they have on the research’s quality. Furthermore, through analysis, we will see how to introduce gender perspective in each phase of the research process, from the selection of a problem to investigate and the selection of the sample, to the results of the analysis, and its later
publication. Lastly, we will present the criteria of gender inclusiveness that some agencies and/or editorials demand for the acceptance of projects. This formation is framed in the Seventh European Frame program and the new Science, Technology and Innovation Law, which establishes that: “The Spanish Science and Technology Strategy and the State Plan of Scientific and Technological Research will promote the incorporation of the gender perspective as a transversal category on research and technology, implying that its relevance will be considered in every aspect of the process, including the definition of the priorities on scientific-technical research, research issues, theoretical and explanatory frameworks, methods, collecting and interpreting data, conclusions, applications and technological development, and the proposals for future projects. It will also promote gender and women studies, as well as specific measures to stimulate and recognize the presence of women in research teams. ”
Organizers: Gender Equality Unit of the ULL, and University Institute of Women’s Studies of the ULL.
Funded by: Ministry of Health, Social and Equality Services, and Social European Fund.
- Download the inscription file clicking *this link*.
Feminist Research and Gender Progress
October 24th, 2011.
The University Institute of Women’s Studies, continuing their compromise of organizing different activities related to gender studies, will be doing a research seminar, under the name of “Feminist Research and Gender Analysis, Progress and Approaches”.
It will be held from March to July of 2011. The topics that will be discussed are about the work of the different components, where we will find different lines of analysis; from feminist criticism, epistemology, gender and technology, migration, to sexism in mass media