Master's Degree in Advance Pedagogical Studies


The competences are the set of knowledge, skills and attitudes to be acquired by students throughout the degree, aimed at preparing them to carry out professional activities.

CB6 – To possess and understand knowledge that provides a basis or opportunity to be original in the development and/or application of ideas, often in a research context.

CB7 – Students are able to apply their acquired knowledge and problem-solving skills in new or unfamiliar environments within broader (or multidisciplinary) contexts related to their area of study.

CB8 – Students are able to integrate knowledge and deal with the complexities of making judgements based on incomplete or limited information, including reflections on the social and ethical responsibilities associated with the application of their knowledge and judgements.

CB9 – Students are able to communicate their conclusions and the knowledge and rationale underpinning them to specialist and non-specialist audiences in a clear and unambiguous way.

CB10 – That students possess the learning skills that will enable them to continue studying in a largely self-directed or autonomous manner.

CG1 – Comprender el valor del trabajo en equipos multidisciplinares en el desarrollo de conocimientos y entender el trabajo interdisciplinar como espacio para compartir y crear conocimientos.

CG2 – Aplicar los conocimientos adquiridos al desarrollo permanente, profesional y personal.

CG3 – Comunicar en foros especializados y no especializados los resultados de sus estudios.

CG4 – Aplicar el conocimiento a la solución de problemas sociales vinculados a la educación.

CG5 – Analizar las responsabilidades éticas y sociales de la educación en entornos socioculturales diversos.

CG6 – Orientar teóricamente la definición de los problemas de investigación, mediante el análisis y la interpretación de las perspectivas actuales de pensamiento e intervención en el ámbito de la educación.

CG7 – Adquirir una formación especializada que habilite a los estudiantes para el diseño y desarrollo posterior de posibles investigaciones doctorales.

CG8 – Adquirir capacidad de análisis crítico y reflexivo en materia de igualdad de género dentro de contextos multidisciplinares.

CG9 – Desarrollar la capacidad de análisis, interpretación y síntesis a través de un razonamiento crítico y reflexivo.

CG10 – Realizar investigaciones de alcance y difusión en el ámbito de la educación.

SC7 – Develop research hypotheses in the field of education that advance knowledge and problem solving.

SC1 – Interpret national and international educational phenomena and processes from the perspective of globalisation.

SC2 – Formulate judgements and draw up pedagogical-social projects or academic articles based on theoretical, historical and sociological research into education.

SC3 – Relate the impact of educational discourses and practices with the shaping of citizens and societies.

SC4 – Knowing the trends and contributions of theoretical-historical-sociological research (international research groups, projects, academic publications, etc.) and their social interaction.

SC5 – Identify problems of interest for research in the field of education.

SC6 – Comparative analysis of research results in education.

SC8 – Use the theoretical and methodological resources of educational research in the diagnosis of problems and the generation of new approaches.

SC9 – Knowing the repercussions of theoretical educational research in the field of non-formal education.

SC10 – Knowing how to use new information, communication and dissemination technologies for educational analysis.

SC11 – Relating multidisciplinary knowledge linked to innovation in educational research.

SC12 – Valuing the role of women in education and the projection of their contributions to culture in different historical periods.

SC13 – Critically analyse the contributions of feminist theories in contemporary epistemological debates.

SC14 – Analysing reports, plans, methodologies and educational programmes of national and international organisations related to socio-educational intervention processes and policies, reforms and modes of international cooperation.

SC15 – Evaluate the impacts and social transfer of knowledge production in contemporary societies.