Análisis de la estructura literaria y fijación del texto

  • Juan Barreto Betancort Universidad de La Laguna
Palabras clave: Fijación del texto


The author claims attention on the importance of analysis of literaty structures in stablishing the original text. The determination of literary structures, he assures, allows to make a judgement upon its redaction's history (in this way can be seen the heterogeneous elements the text is made of or, on the contrary, its homogeneity); besides, in the case the extant manuscript tradition does offer divergent readings, the analysis of literary, structures can supply elements of judgement in order to support or refuse alternative readings. As a matter of sample, the author analyses the structure of John 1,1-5 and concludes, on the one hand, the redactional unity of 1,1 -2, and, on the other hand, he sees confirmed the reading that punctuates the text after ὃ γέγονεν in 1,3.


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Cómo citar
Barreto Betancort, Juan. 1992. Análisis De La Estructura Literaria Y Fijación Del Texto. Fortunatae, n.º 3 (junio), 11-27.