La Biblia en el Diccionario de la lengua española a través de la Vulgata latina

  • Olegario García de la Fuente Universidad de Málaga
Palabras clave: Vulgata latina


It is evident that the Latín Bible has had a tremendous influence on the evolution of Christian Latin. It is equally evident that it is not possible to account satisfactorily for the important role of Christian Latin in the early centuries, the Middle Ages and the birth of the Romance Languages.
As an example of these affirmations the author has studied the following Spanish terms and expressions derived from Vulgata: Abismo; Seno de Abraham; Hijos de Adán; Bocado de Adán; Adefesio; Adorar in the sense of bow, bow before (the recently elected Pope); Santo advenimiento; Esperar el santo advenimiento; Lo alto as an equivalent of heaven. Altura as an equivalent of heaven, Altísimo as an equivalent of God; Cizaña as an equivalent of discord.


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Cómo citar
García de la Fuente, Olegario. 1992. La Biblia En El Diccionario De La Lengua Española a Través De La Vulgata Latina. Fortunatae, n.º 4 (diciembre), 213-28.