El episodio de la ballena en la Nauigatio Sancti Brendani y su precedente en el Physiologus

  • Fremiot Hernández González Universidad de La Laguna
Palabras clave: Nauigatio Sancti Brendani


This paper is an attempt to make a comparative study between the episode of the whale in the Saint Brendan Legend and the description of that cetaceous in the Physiologus. The author translates and confronts some texts from both works and from the first voyage of Sindbad in The Thousand and One Nigths.


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Cómo citar
Hernández González, Fremiot. 1993. El Episodio De La Ballena En La Nauigatio Sancti Brendani Y Su Precedente En El Physiologus. Fortunatae, n.º 5 (junio), 283-307. https://www.ull.es/revistas/index.php/fortvnatae/article/view/2977.