Un Un nuevo manuscrito volterrano en la Biblioteca del Cabildo de Toledo: Toletanus 102-10

  • Juan Luis Arcaz Pozo Universidad Complutense de Madrid
Palabras clave: Toletanus 102-10


In this article it is studied, from the codicological viewpoint, the manuscript Toletanus 102-10, whose data (specially the relatives to heraldic emblem, who is at the first of the codex, and to semierase annotation) permit to determine his properness of the Mario Maffei of Volterra's Library previous to arrive at the cardinal Zelada's Library and, subsequently, at the Chapter of Toledo's Library.


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Cómo citar
Arcaz Pozo, Juan Luis. 1994. Un Un Nuevo Manuscrito Volterrano En La Biblioteca Del Cabildo De Toledo: Toletanus 102-10. Fortunatae, n.º 6 (junio), 199-204. https://www.ull.es/revistas/index.php/fortvnatae/article/view/2984.