El Genius latino en las comedias de Plauto

  • Elvira Roca Barea Universidad de Málaga
Palabras clave: Plauto


On the various manifestations of the cult of Genius (Genii loci, Genii of military corps, provinces or associations of different kind....) in the Ancient Rome not all of them can be considered of great antiquity. The detailed study of the different references of the cult to Genius in Plautus' comedy will show that in this time this cult is still confined to the family field and is limited exclusively to the cult of the males' Genius, i. e. the males of a family.


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Cómo citar
Roca Barea, Elvira. 1994. El Genius Latino En Las Comedias De Plauto. Fortunatae, n.º 6 (junio), 307-13. https://www.ull.es/revistas/index.php/fortvnatae/article/view/2991.