Current Issue

No 35 (2022)

This issue represents the continuity of the commitment to reflection in the field of education. The main article is an interview and also a heartfelt tribute to Dr. Javier Esteban Marrero Acosta whose professional, teaching, research and personal biography, due to the large number of people who admire him, is closely linked to the Department of Didactics and Educational Research of the University of La Laguna

Published: 2022-06-20
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Qurriculum is a journal of theory, research and educational practice, defender of the democratic educational culture and intellectually committed to the progressive change in education. Its objectives are to stimulate the understanding of education, allowing its readers to form their own judgment; contribute to the promotion of professionals and researchers related to education; and to be a link between scientific and cultural communication and the educational community.

Between the contents that it approaches are to emphasize: curricular design, development and innovation; teaching aids; evaluation of programs, students and teachers; school and vocational guidance; response to special educational needs and methods and techniques of educational research.