Agustín de Betancourt program

Three transference projects (lasting 4 years each) on mental health improvement:   1. Evaluation of non-invasive brain stimulation protocols for the rehabilitation of patients with aphasia and development of a Non-invasive Brain Stimulation Service in Tenerife (SECNIT), Dr. Iván Padrón (IUNE); PI advisor: Prof. Alberto Domínguez (IUNE). Associated Company: Instituto de Rehabilitación del Aparato Locomotor...

Ramón y Cajal program

Markus Conrad: After studying Psychology in Germany, my home country, I finished my PhD in cognitive psychology and neuroscience in the Free University of Berlin in 2018. My doctoral dissertation was focused on phonological processing during readings in various languages.  I carried out several researches in the University of La Laguna in psycholinguistic phenomena in...

Viera y Clavijo program

Alberto Ardèvol-Abreu: I studied Information Science in the University of La Laguna and the Universitat Autònoma de Barcelona. My interests for the influence of media in the perception of ethnic minorities and of countries facing humanitarian crises let me to do a doctorate in communication, which I completed in 2013. During my predoctoral time I...

Restoration Project of la Casa Amarilla as an Atlantic Center for Neuroscience studies Wolfgang Kohler

In 2016, the Cabildo of Tenerife, the city council of Puerto de la Cruz, the consortium for the rehabilitation of Puerto de la Cruz and the University of La Laguna reached agreement for the creation of the Center for Neuroscience and the historic complex of La Casa Amarilla.  Currently, the plot for this scientific infrastructure…

Applied neuroscience transfer unit (U2T)

Within the IUNE, several projects are developed to promote the knowledge transfer and technology between research and other institutions. What is U2T? The Applied Neuroscience Transfer Unit is a stable structure of the University of La Laguna created by neuroscientists of the University Institute of Neurosciences in January 2020 whose main objective is to establish…

Translational research

Patents Optoelectronic cranial window to be used as implantable brain interface, by Prof. Jose Luis González-Mora Nutritional support for Alzheimers and Parkinsons patients, by Prof. Raquel Marín Nutritional preparation as preventive of pre- and post-partum depression by Raquel Marín & Mario Díaz