Agustín de Betancourt program

lunes 31 de mayo de 2021 - 09:11 GMT+0000

Three transference projects (lasting 4 years each) on mental health improvement:


1. Evaluation of non-invasive brain stimulation protocols for the rehabilitation of patients with aphasia and development of a Non-invasive Brain Stimulation Service in Tenerife (SECNIT), Dr. Iván Padrón (IUNE); PI advisor: Prof. Alberto Domínguez (IUNE). Associated Company: Instituto de Rehabilitación del Aparato Locomotor S.L. (Instral), starting in 2016.


2.Neuromodulatory techniques as new therapeutic approaches against addictive behaviours. Dr. J Dampure (IUNE); PI advisor: Prof. HA Barber (IUNE guarantor), starting in 2016.


3.Development and commercialization of specific nutraceuticals for the menopause. SR: Dr. Catalina Valdés; PI advisor: Raquel Marín (IUNE guarantor). Associated Company: Oleum Dietética, starting in 2018.