Hispania, Hiberia y Hesperia en los poetas latinos

  • Esther Artigas Universidad de Barcelona
  • Alejandra de Riquer Universidad de Barcelona
Palabras clave: Hispania, Hiberia, Hesperia


The major aim of this work is to offer a general survey of the different terms used by Latin writers to refer to the Iberian Peninsula. Sharp differences between poetry and prose writers may be thus settled according to their distinct use of names for it such as Hispania, Hiberia or Hesperia. This fact has lead us to analyze their occurence in poetry, paying special attention to those seemingly more significant in this sense.


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Cómo citar
Artigas, Esther, y Alejandra de Riquer. 1993. «Hispania, Hiberia Y Hesperia En Los Poetas Latino»s. Fortunatae, n.º 5 (junio), 193-213. https://www.ull.es/revistas/index.php/fortvnatae/article/view/2972.