Anchieta y los indios del Brasil

  • José González Luis Universidad de La Laguna
Palabras clave: José de Anchieta


This paper analyses certain aspects of the activities of the Jesuit missionaly José de Anchieta (1534-1597) regarding the Brazilian Indians. In bis work, De gestis Mendi de Saa, his plays and his countless letters, we discover exotic descriptions, innumerable pieces of information and details of all kind. Ahl these data -of noteworthy ethnographic and anthropological value- evidence, at the same time, Father Anchieta's state of mind and disposition as defender and protector of the aborigines. This attitude constitutes bis most creditable feature, and bis personal style has gained recognition in the context of the European Christian civilization.


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Cómo citar
González Luis, José. 1993. Anchieta Y Los Indios Del Brasil. Fortunatae, n.º 5 (junio), 267-82.