
Current Issue

No 38 (2023)
Portada nº 38

Issue 38 of Fortunatae contains five articles and three reviews from several fields of classical philology, in keeping with the miscellaneous nature of this publication. A wide range of topics encompass Greek philosophy and asceticism, Seneca’s Roman Stoicism, the historiography of Tacitus’ Annals, late medieval arts of memory, and Indo-European studies. The general subject matter acts or serves as a pretext for the detailed study of several specific issues, such as Diego Andrés Cardoso Bueno’s analysis of the literary topic locus amoenus in Philo of Alexandria's treatise De vita contemplativa; the themes of Greek anthroponymy and etymology expounded by Marcos Medrano Duque in his research into the forms Κασ(σ)-, Κασσι-, and Καστι; the word order that Carles Padilla-Carmona believes to be a significant feature and an essential stylistic resource in Tacitus; the arts of memory of scholastic origin that Marta Ramos Grané places at the service of such contemporary issues as artificial intelligence; and finally, Genaro Valencia Constantino’s work that attempts to show how the comprehensive study of Seneca’s lexicon can lead to a more refined or more fitting explanation of his philosophical ideas.
As for the reviews, Javier del Hoyo Calleja presents Fernando García Romero’s well-documented book Lechuzas a Atenas. Pervivencia hoy del refranero griego antiguo. In the first of two reviews, Ángel Martínez Fernández offers concise, clear comments on the published contributions of the XIV Simposio Internacional de la Sociedad Española de Plutarquistas (XIV International Symposium of the Spanish Society of Plutarchists), held in La Laguna, in 2022; and in a second, he provides a step-by-step analysis of the coming to light of the work on Greek epigraphy IG X 2, 1 Suppl. 2: Inscriptiones Thessalonicae et ViciniaeSupplementum alterum: Addenda, Indices, Tabulae.

Published: 2023-12-15
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The Department of Filología Clásica, Francesa, Árabe y Románica at Universidad de La Laguna (Tenerife, Canaries, Spain) holds the academic journal Fortunatae. It is published online, free of charges and free accessed. It is devoted to the research of the different disciplines attached to Ancient Philology and Ancient Studies. It aspires to reach not only scholars but also readers interested in these fields of study.

Since its foundation in 1991, it has welcomed original and unpublished research and studies by national and international authors. The journal has a broad focus and receives articles and reviews on the different literary events and new research objects that have emerged within the field of classical studies and their survival.