Legitimizing the sensuous female: a re-assessment of the babylonian goddess in D.G. Rossetti's astarte syriaca (1875-77)

  • José María M. Villar
Palabras clave: Estudios de la mujer, Prerrafaelismo, Dante Gabriel Rossetti, Jane Morris, Astarté


Adopting a revisionist disposition and following an interdisciplinary pattern of analysis, this paper attempts to unstigmatize the female profile in the double work Astarte Syriaca (1875-77), often deviously regarded as allusive to evil or to the pagan harlot depicted in section 17:5 from the Book of Revelation. Our inquiries seek to demonstrate that the goddess rendered by Rossetti functions as a positive representation of the mysteric forces bound to sexual intercourse. We will also specify that the painter-poet employed a set of biblical and classical references other than the aforementioned volume as a legitimizing apparatus which would serve his own creative and programmatic tenets: it is within this scheme that the Rossettian woman proves a primary nodal entity allowing the aesthetic message to gather full meaning.


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Cómo citar
Villar, José María M. 2007. «Legitimizing the Sensuous Female: A Re-Assessment of the Babylonian Goddess in D.G. Rossetti’s Astarte Syriaca (1875-77»). Clepsydra. Revista Internacional De Estudios De Género Y Teoría Feminista, n.º 6 (enero), 91-108. https://www.ull.es/revistas/index.php/clepsydra/article/view/2410.