Centro de Estudios Africanos

El Centro de Estudios Africanos de la Universidad de La Laguna (CEA-ULL) fue fundado a principios de los años noventa del pasado siglo XX, aunque se relanzó a mediados de la década del 2000. Su objetivo es dar a conocer, mediante la investigación y la divulgación, el continente africano en todas sus facetas (sociales, económicas, medioambientales, culturales y científicas), a la vez que actuar de puente entre Canarias y los pueblos de África, promoviendo la solidaridad, el encuentro cultural, la cooperación, la mitigación de las desigualdades socioeconómicas y la lucha contra cambio climático. Entre las líneas de trabajo del CEA-ULL se encuentran la organización a lo largo del año de jornadas, seminarios y encuentros sobre diferentes aspectos de la realidad africana, la cooperación Universidad de La Laguna-África, la movilidad de estudiantes y profesores de las universidades africanas y de la Universidad de La Laguna, la formación e investigación en estudios africanos, así como servir de lugar de encuentro de los miembros de la comunidad universitaria y la sociedad civil interesados en el mejor conocimiento y difusión de África. La sede del CEA-ULL se encuentra ubicada en el Edificio de Filología, Facultad de Humanidades, Planta -1, Campus de Guajara de la Universidad de La Laguna (Tenerife, Islas Canarias)

In English

The University of La Laguna’s African Studies Centre (CEA-ULL) was founded at the beginning of the nineties of the last 20th century, although it was relaunched in the mid-2000 decade. Its objective is to publicize, through research and dissemination, the African continent in all its facets (social, economic, environmental, cultural and scientific), while acting as a bridge between the Canary Islands and the different people of Africa, promoting solidarity, cultural encounters, cooperation, the mitigation of socioeconomic inequalities and the fight against climate change.

Among the CEA-ULL’s lines of work are the organization throughout the year of conferences, seminars and meetings on different aspects of the African reality, the University of La Laguna-Africa cooperation, the mobility of students and professors from African universities and the University of La Laguna, training and research in African studies, as well as serving as a meeting place for members of the university community and the civil society interested in a better knowledge and broadcast of Africa.

The CEA-ULL headquarters are located in the Philology Building, Faculty of Humanities, Floor 1, Guajara Campus of La Laguna University (Tenerife, Canary Islands).

Direction team

Director: Víctor Onésimo Martin Martín

Secretary: Grecy Pérez Amores 

Vice Principal: Francisco José Ledesma Rodríguez

En Français

The University of La Laguna’s African Studies Centre (CEA-ULL) was founded at the beginning of the nineties of the last 20th century, although it was relaunched in the mid-2000 decade. Its objective is to publicize, through research and dissemination, the African continent in all its facets (social, economic, environmental, cultural and scientific), while acting as a bridge between the Canary Islands and the different people of Africa, promoting solidarity, cultural encounters, cooperation, the mitigation of socioeconomic inequalities and the fight against climate change.

Among the CEA-ULL’s lines of work are the organization throughout the year of conferences, seminars and meetings on different aspects of the African reality, the University of La Laguna-Africa cooperation, the mobility of students and professors from African universities and the University of La Laguna, training and research in African studies, as well as serving as a meeting place for members of the university community and the civil society interested in a better knowledge and broadcast of Africa.

The CEA-ULL headquarters are located in the Philology Building, Faculty of Humanities, Floor 1, Guajara Campus of La Laguna University (Tenerife, Canary Islands).

Direction team

Director: Víctor Onésimo Martin Martín

Secretary: Grecy Pérez Amores 

Vice Principal: Francisco José Ledesma Rodríguez