
Welcome to the new editorial team of Clepsydra


We are pleased to announce that a new editorial team has taken over the direction of our journal. We, Esther Torrado Martín-Palomino and Yasmina Romero Morales, assume the roles of directors, while Betty Coromoto Estévez Cedeño, Alba Cabrera Meneses, Cristian Díaz Hernández, and Estefanía Hernández Lorenzo are part of the editorial secretariat.

Our goal is to lead Clepsydra: International Journal of Gender Studies and Feminist Theory towards new horizons of excellence. This ambitious editorial project includes a commitment to specialization, with the introduction of monographs in every issue, the restructuring of key sections, and the incorporation of interviews with prominent academic figures related to the theme of each edition.

Likewise, we aim to renew the Editorial and Scientific Boards, adhering to the internationalization and excellence standards of the Fecyt seal. To achieve this goal, we have the collaboration of Lara Carrascosa, who will contribute to raising the quality of the magazine and help us achieve new indexations.

Currently, we are immersed in the preparation of the next issue, which will be released in November. Therefore, some of the mentioned changes will be implemented progressively. We want to take this opportunity to offer our apologies to the authors awaiting the review of their work and assure them that we are working tirelessly to provide them with a prompt response.

We are confident that, starting from next year, we will achieve the necessary quality standards to apply for new indexations and seals of excellence.


The Clepsydra Team

Read more about Welcome to the new editorial team of Clepsydra

Current Issue

No 25 (2023)
Clepsydra 25 (2023) FRONT COVER


Paradojas de la innovación: resignificando el futuro desde el paradigma de género

Published: 2023-11-24


View All Issues

Clepsydra is a blind peer-reviewed on-line journal published twice a year (March and November) in agreement with the open code publication programme for journal management, Open Journal System Hosted by the Instituto Universitario de Estudios de las Mujeres at the Universidad de La Laguna (Canaries, Spain), it invites contributions of articles in Gender, Feminist and Women Studies from diverse perspectives and disciplines. The journal is indexed in the following databases: Dialnet, Latindex, ERIHPLUS, CINDOC, DICE, MIAR, CNEAI, RESH, WorldCat, Dulcinea and Sherpa/Romeo. Please note that the corresponding and all submitting authors MUST register with Clepsydra before submitting an article ( and conform to the journal guidelines as therein set forth. You must be logged in to your personal Clepsydra Account to submit an article. Contributors should likewise send a separate document containing filiation and personal data plus the title of their proposal and a note stating her/his contribution is original and is only being considered for publication by Clepsydra. Authors may republish their own material, provided such republication provides due acknowledgment. For further inquiries, please contact us at

Manuscript submission should not exceed 12.000 words (notes and references included) and should conform to the Journal Guidelines guidelines. (PLEASE VISIT "INFORMATION FOR AUTHORS"ON YOUR RIGHT, ENGLISH VERSION AVAILABLE)